Celebrate Sesquicentennial
all accounts the biggest and best party in University history, Sesquicentennial
Weekend broke new ground, setting the stage for future annual celebrations.
In pictures and stories, Rochester Review recreates the events of the
a Whole New Ball Game
by Scott Hauser
Dedicated during Sesquicentennial Weekend, the refurbished
and renovated Robert B. Goergen Athletic Center is the culmination of a Yellowjacket
athletic tradition that, after a rocky start, stretches back nearly 150 years..
General's Warning: A Year at Rochester is Beneficial to Your Prescription for
Public Health
by Scott Hauser
In his role as U.S. Surgeon General, David Satcher '72M
(Res) was one of the headliners at Sesquicentennial Weekend, and he had a lot
to say about your health.
Rochester Review for the Web
Editor: Scott Hauser
Associate editor: Jeffrey Marsh
Design supervisor: Stephen Reynolds
Graphic artist: Jeannine Papelino
Copy coordinator: Joyce Farrell
Editorial office: 147 Wallis Hall, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0033
(585) 275-4119 | Fax: (585) 275-0359 | E-mail: rochrev@admin.rochester.
Published three times a year for alumni, students, their
parents, and other friends of the University, Rochester Review is
produced by the Office of University Public Relations, Robert Kraus, associate vice president for public relations.
Opinions expressed are those of the authors, the editors, or
their subjects and do not necessarily represent official positions of the University
of Rochester.
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