Faculty Honors
Richard Aslin, professor of brain and cognitive sciences, was elected as a
fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Riccardo Betti, associate professor of mechanical engineering and physics and
scientist in the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, was elected as a fellow of
the American Physical Society.
Robert Boyd, M. Parker Givens Professor of Optics, was elected as a fellow
of the American Physical Society.
Andrew Elliot, associate professor of psychology, received the Distinguished
Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology from the American
Psychological Association.
Thomas Foster, associate professor of radiology who also holds appointments
in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Institute of Optics, was
inducted as a fellow of the American Physical Society.
Junling Hu, assistant professor of computers and information systems at the
William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, won a career award
from the National Science Foundation, which provides a five-year grant for her
project, titled Decision Making and Learning in Dynamic Multiagent Systems.
John Huelsenbeck, associate professor of biology, was named a Guggenheim Fellow.
Kim Kowalke, chair of the College's Department of Music and professor of musicology
at the Eastman School of Music, won an ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award, the fifth such
award he has received.
Stephen Kunitz, professor emeritus of community and preventive medicine, was
one of nine chosen by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to receive the Investigator
Award in Health Policy Research.
Henry Kyburg, professor of philosophy, was named a fellow of the American Association
for Artificial Intelligence.
Lawrence Nazarian, clinical professor of pediatrics, received the National
Research Award from the Ambulatory Pediatric Association.
Elissa Newport, chair of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and
George Eastman Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, was elected as a fellow
of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Sally Norton, assistant professor in the School of Nursing, received the Hartford
Junior Faculty Researcher Award from the Eastern Nursing Research Society.
JoAnne Pedro-Carroll, associate professor of psychology and psychiatry and
director of programs for Families in Transition at the Children's Institute,
received the 2001 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Public Service from
the American Psychological Association.
Peter Szilagyi, chief of the division of general pediatrics and chief of pediatric
ambulatory services, received the National Research Award from the Ambulatory
Pediatric Association.
Paul Tipton, professor of physics, was elected as a fellow of the American
Physical Society.
Nelita True, a professor of piano at the Eastman School of Music, received
the 2002 Achievement Award from the Music Teachers National Association.
Robert Wasson, professor of music at the Eastman School of Music, won an ASCAP-Deems
Taylor Award for CD liner notes. The award honored his writing for Songs
of Alec Wilder, featuring Valerie Errante and Wason.
Emil Wolf, Wilson Professor of Optical Physics and professor of optics, received
the Esther Hoffman Beller Award from the Optical Society of America.
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