"It’s putting a lot of responsibility in a short time on local clinics, which will be untested. The quilt is only as good as the stitches. One tiny thread breaks, and the whole thing unravels."
—Caroline Hall, professor of pediatrics, commenting in The New York Times on a federal plan that requires states to prepare to vaccinate all Americans in the event of a biological attack using smallpox.
The New Yorker: "In the end, Gould’s career may force us to separate two questions that are usually conflated: Was he right, and was he good for science? It may not, after all, be a law of nature that the two have the same answer"-H. Allen Orr, professor of biology, in a critical essay he wrote on the career of the late evolutionary scientist Stephen Jay Gould.
USA Today: "I would be concerned about egging the individual on. . . . To call them a coward is inviting a response. If this is part of some larger scheme that they have, and certainly I’m not privy to it, I wouldn’t recommend such a tactic"-Michael McGrath, a forensic psychiatrist and associate clinical professor of psychiatry, discussing a strategy of investigators to deliberately use the word “coward” as a way of flushing out the sniper who terrorized Washington, D.C., last fall.
Newsday: "The bottom line is that people are self-referring themselves for a medical procedure that is of dubious value in a healthy patient and that exposes patients to unnecessary radiation doses. This just doesn’t make much sense"-P. Andrew Karam, University radiation-safety officer, in a guest opinion on the growing trend of patients who refer themselves for CT scans even though they might not have symptoms of an underlying illness.
The Denver Post: "We’re always looking at the short-term goal. If I’m the manager with a deadline, I want to get it do"-Richard Ryan, professor in the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, commenting on a U.S. Census Bureau report that Americans work an average of 1,900 hours a year, 20 more days each year than a quarter century ago and more than any other advanced nation.
Education Week: "There are a lot of programs that treat science as magic, but that’s not what we’re doing. There are books like ‘101 Things to Do With Baking Soda,’ but no one is explaining what’s going on" -Lucia French, associate professor at the Warner School, describing a science education curriculum that she has developed and is testing to teach science to preschoolers.
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