University of Rochester
The 2004-2005 Year

Strike up the Symphony

musicians playing cellos

The University Symphony Orchestra celebrated a milestone in 2005: its 50th anniversary. The 100-member ensemble, a blend of University students, faculty, and staff, as well as Rochester residents, kicked off the yearlong celebration with a performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony at the Eastman Theatre last February.

"This concert shows our mission to give local musicians more opportunities to participate in a symphony orchestra, to bring together groups and individuals from the University and across the community who enjoy performing," says David Harman, musical director and conductor of the symphony orchestra for the past decade.

The symphony orchestra, based in the Department of Music at the College, was founded in 1954 as the All-University Symphony Orchestra by Ward Woodbury, first director of music on the River Campus.

Last modified: Monday, 24-Apr-2006 13:28:50 EDT