University of Rochester
The 2004-2005 Year

Warner School Receives Accreditation

The Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development has been granted accreditation by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, the organization responsible for professional accreditation of teacher education and other programs preparing preschool through high school personnel.

Education programs at Warner that prepare teachers, counselors, and administrators, as well as music education programs at the Eastman School, were assessed against NCATE standards set by the profession and members of the public.

"This process has helped us to evaluate and demonstrate that our programs meet the highest standards and prepare practitioners who are the best in their fields and can make a difference in the education of children," says Raffaella Borasi, dean of the Warner School.

NCATE currently accredits 588 institutions which produce two-thirds of the nation's new teacher graduates each year. NCATE also ensures that the institutions have partnerships with schools from preschool through high school that enable candidates to develop the skills necessary to help students learn.

Last modified: Monday, 24-Apr-2006 13:29:18 EDT