Page 2 - Winter 2017 | Rochester Athletics News
P. 2

A Message from the Director of Athletics

           “Our outstanding academic
      and athletics profile, along with

        facility improvements, enable
        us to attract the best students
              from across the country.”

                           —George VanderZwaag,
                                   Director of Athletics

                                                                                                            CALLIE FISHER ’17

                             The momentum is building in Rochester Athletics.   will house the new locker rooms for teams currently
                             This fall, our men’s soccer team qualified for the NCAA   housed in Fauver. We’re looking forward to an August
                             tournament, the 10th time in the last 12 years. Our field   2017 opening.
                             hockey team qualified, too, and advanced to the Sweet
                             16 round. We also had an NCAA qualifier in women’s   After the opening, we’ll finish the remaining elements
                             cross country and two All Americans in field hockey.   of the Prince Complex. This will include a ground floor
                                                                           renovation of Fauver Stadium, making it more useful for
                             We’re anticipating an equally solid season for our winter   visiting teams, officials, and game day needs.
                   George    sports. Several of our teams have already earned high
              VanderZwaag    national rankings.                            Some of the work on Fauver is already finished. For
                                                                           instance, in the concourse we’ve added new lighting
                             We are nearing the end of the recruiting process at   and flooring. We’ve also added new graphics that
                             this point of the year. Our outstanding academic and   highlight the history of the stadium and celebrate our
                             athletics profile, along with facility improvements, enable   All-Americans and Academic All-Americans. Photos and
                             us to attract the best students from across the country.   displays represent different sports, athletes, and eras.
                             We expect a strong class will enter this fall.  We’ve finished the replacement of our press box, too. If
                                                                           you are on campus, we encourage you to stop by and see
                             From a building perspective, we’ve made great   the changes made to date.
                             progress. The new freshmen dorm at the north end of
                             Fauver Stadium is well under way; the steel has been    We owe much to the Friends of Rochester Athletics.
                             erected, the concrete slab has been poured, and the   Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our
                             Varsity House is being framed. This part of the building   programs and our students. Meliora!
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