Graduate Studies - Time Enrolled: Individual Student View
The Graduate Studies - Time in Program Dashboard is divided into two sections; Semesters Enrolled and Student Details.

Semesters Enrolled - bar chart displays the number of students by the number of semesters enrolled in a degree. The x-axis is the number of semesters enrolled, the y-axis is the number of students.

Student Details - a list of students, descending, by number of semesters. Dissertation/continuing displays as a circle, all other registration types display as a square - use the color legend for the type of enrollment such as full time, part time or leave of absence (LOA).

Click on a URID to go to the Student Details page.


The number of semesters is by Degree, not Program, and does not reset if a student changes Programs and the Degree remains the same.

The number of semesters enrolled does not include Summer Term but does include any future term the student has registered for.

FYT Degree - The First Year Term is calculated at the degree level

FYT Program - The First Year Term is calculated at the program level

LOA - Leave of Absence

Hover over a bar, box or circle for more information.

Additional Details
No additional details currently defined.