Student Systems

The method by which schools at the University structure their courses for the academic year.


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A subject area with specific paths of inquiry or approaches.

  • subject
  • subject code

The classification of a student which indicates the degree level they are pursuing.


  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Medical
  • ECMS

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The load status attributed to a student derived based on a student’s enrolled coursework. Academic Load Status can be seen for each academic period under Student Standings on the Academic History tab. It reflects the total number of registered units for all registrations for that academic period.

See also: financial aid load status {UR Student}


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A time during which a School holds courses such as semester, quarter, and summer term. e.g. Fall 2018, Summer 2020

  • term

A forward looking progression of academic requirements and coursework planned for future academic periods that is developed and recorded in UR Student by a student and their advisor to represent how the student plans to complete the requirements for their degree. The academic plan can be updated and saved in order to record a student's academic plan at a given point in time.

Note: In some parts of the university this list of requirements and courses was previously referred to as the "program of study" and was filed with the appropriate school's dean's office.


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An instructional program leading to a degree or resulting in credits that can be applied to a degree.

  • degree program
  • program of study

The organization of a student’s program of study and coursework for the pursuit of a degree. Academic Records are one of the basic building blocks for a student’s record at the University of Rochester. An Academic Record is created from an application to a program. Academic Records separate a student's academic history at the University of Rochester into undergraduate vs graduate coursework. There will be a separate academic record for ECMS coursework and for coursework taken when a student was non-matriculated at a school.


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A requirement for the completion of a program of study. Each program of study will have a number of requirements. Examples can include completion of mandatory coursework, completion of a specified number of units of elective coursework, a minimum GPA requirement across all coursework or across program of study specific coursework, the completion of a minimum number of credit hours, etc.

  • program requirement

The current status of a student within the institution based on a student's GPA and completed units against documented standards. Valid values in UR Student include Good Standing, Academic Probation, and Dean's List.


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A Workday organization created for the purpose of representing business process approval, reporting and workflows, characterized as a school, college, department, or other unit of your institution.

AUs can specify which units can do the following in UR Student:

  • Offer courses and programs of study
  • Admit students
  • Allow students to know all the schools they belong to at a glance

Those with the appropriate security can use AUs to:

Student Finance / Finance Note: UR allocates tuition revenue based upon academic units. Student Finance charge items and calculations are built to direct the revenue to the appropriate Academic Units and their accounts in UR Finance. Revenue from flat-rate students is directed to the student's primary AU. Revenue from students charged per credit is directed to the owning AU of the course. Possible addition or removal of an AU must be communicated to the bursar's office and central finance in advance of action being taken so that impacts on configuration and procedures are considered.

  • AU

A mark of recognition given in honor of an achievement.


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A student financials transaction that increases the student account balance. Charges represent amounts due by the student to the University for items such as tuition, mandatory fees or auxiliary charges from departments such as housing, dining or the student health service.


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A student’s legal status with regards to citizenship for a particular country.


In UR Student, ‘Citizenship Status’ consists of two values. Part one allows the following values: Citizen, Permanent Resident or Other.

  • “Permanent Resident” is assigned for any student who has reported a LPR visa in the United States (or IM visa from SIS, the UR legacy system of record).
  • “Other” is assigned for students who have reported they are not a US citizen but reported United States as their country of citizenship.

Part two reflects the nation state of which a person is legally recognized as a citizen or subject (where part one = citizen). This is often reflected by issuance of a passport from that country. Students may have multiple citizenship statuses in UR Student. Identifying primary country of citizenship is not possible in UR Student.



Citizen: Citizen (United States)

Dual citizenship: Citizen (United States) + Citizen (France)

Permanent Resident: Citizen (Peru) + Permanent Resident (United States)


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A specific group of students established to satisfy a business process such as tracking, reporting and interacting.


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A mechanism by which UR Student groups people together to assign policies, business processes, transactions, rules, and/or attributes. Cohorts also assist in tracking populations and reporting out of UR Student.

Example: Class of X cohort


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A student cohort type grouping applications for the same admitting level of an academic unit and the same anticipated start date. Cohorts can have one or more application pools, with an admissions counselor assigned to each pool.


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The date upon which the board of trustees votes to present educational credentials at the end of an academic term. These dates are May, August, October, December, and March. The conferral date occurs on or after the degree award date.


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Two or more courses that are required to be registered for and taken simultaneously during the same academic period.


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A series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, leading to an examination or qualification.


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Course fees are the itemized charges for a course and may include additional criteria and formulas, which are used to determine an individual student’s fee group and calculated amount that will be charged to that student. Costs for a course may include tuition and additional indirect costs such as lab fees, course materials, and other course-specific charges.


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A number assigned to a course. Numbers are assigned with the following conventions: 3 digits in length; the hundreds digit indicates the course level; introductory courses are numbered 1xx; courses recommended to be taken consecutively have consecutive numbers like 201-202.


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A course which is taught by the same instructor, at the same time and location but which is listed in two or more different academic disciplines. Example:

  • BCBS 110 / CVSC 110 / PSYC 110 - Neural Foundations of Behavior

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The measure of a student's academic achievement for all courses completed. This is a measure for the undergraduate level and is not calculated for graduate students.

In UR Student, cumulative GPA is calculated as the number of earned grade points divided by the cumulative course/credit units.


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The amount of the student account balance that is owed within the next 30 days.


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The standard start date of the academic period in which a student begins a program (newly admitted student), or the date a student adds a program to an in progress academic record, such as at sophomore major declaration.


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Indicates that a student has requested and received approval to pursue a program of study on a part time basis. This is most typically approved at the graduate level. Students in a flat rate program who are declared part time will be assessed tuition on a per credit hour basis.


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An award conferred by a school within the University as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of study.

  • credential

An instructor role {UR Student} that allows a user to enter and submit grades in UR Student. This user does not have permissions to approve submitted grades. This Instructor Role is not included as a published instructor role on course sections, making it not visible to the student.


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1) A formal document certifying the successful completion of an academic program.

2) A type of educational credential issued by an institution in recognition of the completion of a curriculum.


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The amount the student currently owes. This is the sum of past due charges and current due charges, minus any pending payments and anticipated financial aid.


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The specific degrees such as bachelors (BS, BA), masters (MS, MA, MM, etc.), doctoral (PhD, EdD, DMA, etc.), diplomas, certificates, or other types of credentials students can earn as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of study. Educational credentials must be approved by the NYS Department of Education to be offered and awarded.


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An external school or organization from which a student completed coursework or graduated. Can be used to support the evaluation of transfer credit for application to an academic record.


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A system control that defines qualifications around a course or program of study. This is used to support Course Permissions (attributes of a student required to be able to register for a course, such as program of study or class standing) and Course Requirements or Pre-requisites (courses that must have been completed before registering for another course) or a Program Requirements (those requirements that must be met for a student to complete a program of study, whether that be a course requirement, a GPA minimum requirement or the number of units required, etc.).


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The number of students registered in a given term.


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The approximate date a student should be expected to complete a program of study. This date can be calculated by the system using the declare date {UR Student} and the expected program duration for the program of study. It can also be updated manually on any program of study record by an administrator.


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A transcript from an external educational institution or test-governing body (e.g. the CollegeBoard) from which a student has applied to receive credit for coursework (transfer credit).

External transcripts can be created as a result of a student’s admission application and would be used to award transfer credit or exam credit.


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a technique allowing users to narrow down search results by selecting one or more criteria. Also known as faceted navigation or faceted browsing.


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The load status used for financial aid purposes. Financial aid load status always includes the course section registrations that are used in calculating the academic load status. It will also include registrations in any course sections where an Other Unit Value is defined for Financial Aid Load on the course section. This type of setup is established for placeholder registrations such as Dissertation Status or Study Abroad, where the student could be considered full time for financial aid purposes even if they are not earning academic credit sufficient to be considered full time for that academic unit and academic level.

The Financial Aid Load Status can be seen on the Student’s Financial Aid tab, by clicking on Attendance Plan and then on the Load Status tab. This is the load status that is reported to the National Student Clearinghouse.


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Objects that contain financial aid data for an academic period, such as load status or class standing details, that Workday uses in financial aid processing.


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Individuals with whom the student has a personal relationship. Friends and family are used to identify emergency contact information as well as to identify individuals who can access the student’s record as a third party if authorized and set up to be able to do so by the student.


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The amount of the student account balance that will be owed in the future but is not yet owed. The due date of specific charges control when those charges are due for payment.


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The immigration relationship that an international student or international scholar has with the University. Immigration sponsorship status for study, work and research may change over time, and sponsorship status is maintained or evaluated by the International Services Office (ISO).


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Under a student payment plan, an installment represents a single payment within a plan. Students must submit an installment payment for a portion of the total charge at designated points within the term to stay in good standing from a financial standpoint. Tuition and charges {UR Student} associated with future installments are not considered to be past due from a financial account standpoint.


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The type of function associated with an instructor that dictates the actions the instructor is allowed to perform for a course. Values include Instructor, Instructor Additional, Teaching Assistant or Delegated Grader.

An instructor's access to the course is controlled by the instructor role.

  • Instructor and Instructor Additional can view the course roster and enter interim and final grades.
  • Teaching Assistants and Delegated Graders can view the course roster and enter grades, but those grades will require approval by an Instructor.

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A value that equates the current number of enrolled units for a student against the school’s or program of study’s load status policy to determine the course load a student is taking for the term. Valid values include: Not Enrolled, Less than ½-time, ½-time, ¾-time, Part-Time or Full-time

See also: academic load status {UR Student}, financial aid load status {UR Student}

  • student time status {ISIS}

The process of moving students from Applicant to Student stage that creates the academic record for the student. Note: Students can have multiple academic records, each associated with one or more Programs of Study that support a distinct educational objective.


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A custom field that must be set on the student’s Financial Aid Period Record (FAPR) in order to support billing, especially in instances when the student should be assessed fees per credit rather than as a flat rate. When a student is admitted and declares their intention to be “part-time”, there may be up to a 24-hour delay in the setting of this boolean as the process that creates the FAPR runs overnight. During this delay, it may be possible for a student’s tuition and fees to be assessed incorrectly.


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The amount of the student account balance that was owed in the past and has not been paid.


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The amount associated with a student refund that has not yet completed processing and the money has not yet been paid to the student (see settlement).


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The primary program of study within an academic record. Each academic record must have one and only one primary program of study. For a graduate student, it is the program to which the student has been admitted. Additional programs of study can be added for items such as certificates after the student has been matriculated in to their primary program of study, based on individual school and program requirements. For an undergraduate student, this is typically their first declared major or their first intended major upon admission (taken from a student’s application and their first designated area of interest).

This program controls the academic unit and level assigned to the academic record.


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The process of evaluating a student’s progression in their program of study and the confirmation that a student has met the degree requirements and is able to graduate and be awarded the educational credential associated with their programs of study.


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The grade point average (GPA) calculated for a student for all courses associated with a specific program of study completed within an academic record. Program of study GPA is calculated as the number of earned grade points divided by the number of units for all completed courses associated with that program of study.


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The approval status for an individual program of study. There are different statuses depending if the program of study is active or inactive. Valid values  for active records are:  Matriculated, In Progress, Leave of Absence, and Pending Completion. Valid values for inactive records are: Discontinued, Dismissed, Institutional Withdrawal, Complete, and Suspension (only during dates of suspension).   The status of the primary program of study determines that status of the academic record.


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The earliest date a student can declare a given program of study, which is typically the first date of the academic period in which the program of study is first offered.


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The last date a student can declare a given program of study, which is typically the first date of the academic period in which the program of study is last allowed to be declared by a student.


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An academic requirement for a program of study that has been indicated to be satisfied administratively, typically through the waiver of a requirement or through an approved alternative to completing the requirement as documented in an academic plan.


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A requirement for the completion of a program of study. Each program of study will have a number of requirements. Examples include completion of mandatory coursework, completion of a minimum number of units of elective coursework, a minimum GPA requirement across all coursework or across program of study specific coursework, and the completion of a minimum number of credit hours.


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A collection of similar programs of study used for categorization. Examples include BA Undergrad Major, Instrument, Masters, Doctoral.


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A system feature that allows groups of students to register for courses within defined date and time windows. Registration appointments allow administrators to give priority to certain groups of students when registering by giving them an earlier appointment. Within the undergraduate environment, Seniors are typically allowed to register first.


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Indicates the status of a student’s registration in a particular course section. Valid values include Registered or Completed.


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The current (and controlling) academic record for a student. The reporting record is set by the system based on the timing of when the student's academic records are created. For instance, if a student is In Progress with an undergraduate program of study and then matriculates into a graduate program of study, the reporting record will remain set to the undergraduate program of study until that program is completed. The reporting record is the academic record used for managing and awarding Financial Aid. The reporting record also controls how the student is reported to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).

  • reporting record

A specified number of seats in a course section reserved for a specific set of students (e.g. students within the departmental major, seniors, etc.).


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One instance of the same course. There can be several instances across one or more academic periods.

  • course section

The amount associated with a student refund that has been successfully processed and disbursed to the student


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A particular subject or theme associated with a specific course frequently used to describe the focus of an independent study, research course or core course such as Writing 105.


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a categorization used to define different types of cohorts defined in the Workday Student system. Some examples include: Advising, Class Year, IPEDS.


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A UR Student (Workday) tenant is an instance of the UR Student (Workday) software, including data that exists independently of other tenants. There are many types of deployment and production tenants, each intended for a specific use.


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The sum of all tuition, fees, and other charges minus any financial aid disbursements and payments credited to the account at a given point in time. Account balances can fluctuate on a daily basis as new charges and credits occur.

  • total due

Course credit granted for course work completed at an accredited college or university per school policy.


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The structure of standard Academic Periods and the typically enrolled units that a student will follow within an academic year while pursuing a program of study. Some typical attendance patterns will include participation in a summer term while others will not.


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The usual academic periods in which a course is offered in an academic year. Example: Spring, Summer (but not Fall if not specified)


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Payment, award, and waiver items that have been applied to a student account via a transaction on the student account, but have not paid specific charges. Unapplied payments typically require some steps to resolve them. They may be resolved by refunds, adjustments to awards (financial aid), adjustments to waivers, or the addition of eligible charge transactions to the student account. Unapplied payments may be caused by precedence rules or receipt of funds in excess of charges.


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Waivers offset charges on a student account and are funded by the university, gifts, or grants. Waivers are typically not refundable to students and should not exceed the charges they are meant to waive.


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