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Service Diagrams

University IT Maintenance Calendar



Production Services




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Distributed Printing Service from the Mainframe Directly to Your Local Departmental Printer!

What is VPS?

VPS provides direct-to-you report generation from your Administrative or Enterprise System processing. Reports can be printed directly on your departmental printer immediately upon completion of system processing. For overnight jobs, your report will be waiting for you in your office when you come in for the day, with no need for a trip to the mailroom or a wait period for the morning run of the courier. 

Who Should Try VPS?

If you've ever had a report lost during delivery, or had it arrive too late to maximize its value, then VPS is a good solution for you.  Your report will arrive safe, secure and on time.  If your report is generated during the middle of the night, then it'll be waiting for you on your LAN-network printer as soon as you get into work the next morning.  Just grab a cup of coffee and head over to your printer to pick it up!! What could be more convenient and make you more productive at the same time?!?

What Do I Need to Sign Up?

All that is required for us to get VPS working for you is that you have an independently network-attached printer with an IP Address. If your printer is not currently independently network-attached, we can help you get it that way! Compared to the convenience, the cost of setup is nominal. The printers capacity should be kept in mind as VPS is implemented for you. The larger your printer is, the more robust VPS can be for you. If you have a 'smaller' printer, yet receive a small number of low page count reports, then VPS is still an ideal solution for your report distribution.

I'm SOLD! What Do I Do?

Click Here!

If you have any questions regarding VPS, feel free to send email to dcspc@rochester.edu!
We will respond to you within 24 hours.



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Last Modified: Thursday, 03-Sep-2015 10:38:06 EDT
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