University of Rochester

Rochester Quotes

“Merging your lives together is a really complicated and difficult thing. Suddenly, you’re business partners, you’re roommates. . . . And the joy and the fun that you have with each other can get lost in that tangle.”

—Ron Rogge, an assistant professor of psychology, on NBC TV’s Today show. Rogge is leading a study of 800 newlywed couples to explore their relationships during the first five years of marriage.

The New York Times Magazine

“It may at times be putting the cart before the horse to spend a lot of money to create large-scale screening programs when there aren’t sufficient facilities to deal with kids.”
—Psychiatrist Eric Caine, director of the University’s Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide, talking about a new program designed to screen adolescents who may be at risk for suicide.

Houston Chronicle

“He will make clear to everyone what he is doing and why. And that transparency is going to improve the efficiency of financial markets.”
—Alan Stockman, the Marie C. and Joseph C. Wilson Professor of Economics, commenting on the appointment of Ben Bernanke as the new chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Philadelphia Inquirer

“In the culture of medicine, errors tend to be covered up and personality problems tend to be ignored. I’m hoping the peer assessments can create the possibility of a dialogue.”
—Ron Epstein, associate dean for education evaluation and research at the School of Medicine and Dentistry, talking about the use of peer-review survey programs to help evaluate medical students and residents.

The New Yorker

“If you read much popular science, you’d be forgiven for thinking that biology has become something of a banana republic.”
—Allen Orr, a professor of biology, reviewing biologist Sean Carroll’s book, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, outlining the ideas behind “evolutionary developmental biology.”

USA Today

“The brain is like a muscle.”
—Paul Coleman, a professor of neurobiology and anatomy, commenting on research that shows activities such as dancing and playing computer games may offer physical and mental benefits to senior citizens. Seniors should pick an activity they enjoy, such as tennis or bridge, and then “just do it,” Coleman says.