Books and Recordings
I Call to Remembrance: Toyo Suyemoto’s Years of Internment
Toyo Suyemoto
Edited by Susan Bleyler Richardson ’58
Rutgers University Press, 2007
Richardson, a retired professor of English who taught at Otterbein College and Denison University, introduces and provides context for a memoir by Suyemoto, informally known by literary scholars as “Japanese America’s poet laureate.” Suyemoto chronicled the time she and her family spent in Utah internment camps in the early 1940s.
Welcome to Your Brain: Why You Lose Your Car Keys but Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of Everyday Life
By Sandra Aamodt ’94M (PhD) and Sam Wang
Bloomsbury, 2008
Aamodt, the editor-in-chief of Nature Neuroscience, and Wang, an associate professor of molecular biology and neuroscience at Princeton University, offer a layperson’s guide to how the human brain works, dispelling common misconceptions and explaining the latest research in neuroscience.
Practical Mystic
By Matthew Stanley ’98
University of Chicago Press, 2007
Stanley, an assistant professor of history at Iowa State University, recounts the life and work of A. S. Eddington—a pioneer in astrophysics, relativity, and the popularization of science, as well as a devout Quaker—to explore how religious and scientific values can interact and overlap without compromising the integrity of either.
Bacchanalian Sentiments: Musical Experiences and Political Counterpoints in Trinidad
By Kevin L. Birth ’85
Duke University Press, 2008
Birth, an associate professor of anthropology at Queens College of the City University of New York, argues that the Caribbean nation’s rich musical traditions are central to the way that Trinidadians navigate their social lives and interpret political events.
Student Companion to Eugene O’Neill
By Steven F. Bloom ’73
Greenwood Press, 2007
Bloom, a professor of English at Lasell College, guides students and general readers through the life and literary heritage of the Nobel Prize–winning American playwright.
The Physician Manager’s Handbook
By Robert J. Solomon ’75 (PhD)
Jones & Bartlett, 2008
In the second edition of the textbook, Solomon, a professor of business administration at the College of William & Mary, discusses issues in management, finance, marketing, and other MBA–level skills for physicians in private practice and in large health care settings.
Music As Midrash: What Makes Music Jewish?
By Michael Isaacson ’79E (PhD), 2007
Composer and conductor Isaacson combines the Jewish tradition of textual exegesis known as “midrash” with his background as a composer to explore the sources, meanings, and history of Jewish music. The book includes two CDs featuring Isaacson’s compositions.
Flora’s Money
By Ray Rueby ’51
Tobey Arts, 2007
Rueby follows the story of a young woman tending bar in a Chicago speakeasy during the Great Depression in his historical novel.
To All Gentleness: William Carlos Williams, the Doctor-Poet
By Neil Baldwin ’69
InPrint Editions, 2008
In recognition of the 125th birthday of Williams, Baldwin introduces a new edition of his 1984 biography of the poet and physician.
Vocal Chamber Music: A Performer’s Guide
By Barbara Winchester ’64 and Kay Dunlap
Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2007
Winchester, who cochairs the voice department in the preparatory and continuing education division at the New England Conservatory, updates the bibliography of vocal works in a second edition.
Vignettes of Sherlock Holmes
By Richard L. Kellogg ’70W (EdD)
Gryphon Books, 2007
In a collection of essays, Kellogg, a professor of psychology at Alfred State College, focuses on the cognitive processes of deduction, induction, memory, perception, and creativity that the fictional detective used so effectively in his criminal investigations.
Pedestrian Photographs
By Larry Merrill
University of Rochester Press, 2007
The book features 48 photographs by Merrill, the longtime director of the Memorial Art Gallery’s Creative Workshop, and includes introductory essays by noted writer Wendell Berry and the gallery’s chief curator Marjorie Searl.
Coca-Globalization: Following Soft Drinks from New York to New Guinea
By Robert J. Foster
Palgrave Macmillan, 2008
Foster, the Mercer Brugler Distinguished Teaching Professor and a professor of anthropology and of visual & cultural studies, explores globalization by looking at how familiar products such as Coke and Pepsi became valued as more than commodities.
Controversies in Science and Technology, Volume 2: From Climate to Chromosomes
Edited by Daniel Lee Kleinman, Karen A. Cloud-Hansen, Christina Matta ’96, and Jo Handelsman
Mary Ann Liebert, 2008
The series explores debates in science, technology, medicine, and society through essays by scholars and practitioners from a broad range of fields. Matta, a lecturer in the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, contributes an essay.
High-Stakes Testing and the Decline of Teaching and Learning: The Real Crisis in Education
By David Hursh
Rowman and Littlefield, 2008
Hursh, an associate professor at the Warner School, explores the impact of increased testing and other regulations in New York and nationally in a memoir that draws on his 40-year career as an educator in K-12 schools and in higher education.
Finding Funding: Grantwriting from Start to Finish, Including Project Management and Internet Use
By Ernest W. Brewer and Charles M. Achilles ’57, ’67W (EdD)
Corwin Press, 2007
Achilles, a professor of education at Eastern Michigan and at Seton Hall universities, and Brewer add new technology and new Web resources in the fifth edition of their classic reference.
Working Healthy: A Manual on Health Techniques for Aviators, Maintainers and Aircraft Builders
By James W. Allen ’72S (MS), ’74M (MD), 2007
Allen, a physician and licensed commercial pilot, presents a reference book for people who work on aircraft that emphasizes safe and healthy work habits.
Feathered Tales: A Bird Hunter’s Grand Slam Odyssey
By Joseph A. Augustine ’86, ’87S (MBA)
Bonasa Press, 2007
Augustine, a founder of the New York City financial consulting firm Gnosis Advisors, recounts his adventures with his two English setters, Jacy and Ranger, as they travel across North America hunting for all 20 species of upland game birds.
American Encounters
By Angela L. Miller, Janet Catherine Berlo, Bryan Wolf, and Jennifer L. Roberts
Prentice Hall, 2007
Berlo, a professor of art and of visual & cultural studies, and her coauthors explore how cultural heritage has been influenced by the interactions among people and traditions.
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law (Volumes I & II)
Edited by Brian Cutler ’82
Sage Publications, 2007
The volumes, edited by Cutler, a professor and chair of the psychology department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, span a comprehensive list of topics in psychology and law of interest to students, scientists, and practitioners. Ryan Kilmer ’99 (PhD), who is on the psychology faculty at UNC–Charlotte with Cutler, is a coauthor of several of the entries.
Saturdays in Chinatown
By Christina Seid ’02
CICF Press, 2008
Seid introduces New York City’s Chinatown to children and adults in a bilingual book that follows “The Chinatown Kid” as he joins in his family’s errands each Saturday.
Women in the Church of God in Christ: Making a Sanctified World
By Anthea Butler
The University of North Carolina Press, 2007
Butler, an assistant professor in the Department of Religion and Classics, examines the religious and social lives of the women in the Church of God in Christ, an African-American Pentecostal denomination founded in 1896 that has become the largest Pentecostal denomination in the United States.
Real Classroom Management: Whose Job is It?
By Mark M. Jacobs ’99W (EdD) and Nancy Langley
Rowman & Littlefield, 2007
The book explores classroom behavior, the factors that influence it, and the steps educators can take to improve the management of their classrooms so that students have better opportunities to learn. Jacobs and Langley also are the authors of 5 Essential Skills for School Leaders (Rowan & Littlefield, 2005).
Introduction to the Theory of Coherence and Polarization of Light
By Emil Wolf
Cambridge University Press, 2008
Wolf, the Wilson Professor of Optical Physics and a professor of optics, details light’s coherence and polarization.
Electric Eels
By Sara van Dyck ’58
Lerner Publications, 2008
Van Dyck’s third nature studies book for children is written for ages 7 to 11. Illustrated with photographs, the book describes the habitat, life cycle, and remarkable electrical capabilities of eels in the Amazon region.
The Naked Truth About Your Money
By Bill DeShurko ’81
Penguin, 2007
Aiming his guidance to address the particular needs of people in their 20s and 30s, financial planner DeShurko offers advice about money management, investment strategies, and other financial topics.
Music for Brass
By Vincent Frohne ’63E (PhD)
G & F Associates, 2007
The CD features Frohne’s Sonata for Trumpet & Brass with performances by Eastman alumni James Searl ’60E (Mas) (trumpet) and John Landis ’62E (piano). Frohne has been the organist at St. Paul Church in Macomb, Ill., since 1984.
Nebhel & Kinnor: Ancient Sounds of Music
By Max Stern ’69E
Ariel University Center of Samaria, 2008
Commissioned by the Bible Lands Museum, the recording features compositions by Stern, a professor of music at the Ariel University Center of Samaria, that are based on ancient relics of music and are intended to be played on reconstructions of biblical harps. The CD also includes Stern’s original works on biblical themes.
Dim Sum
By the Ying Quartet
Telarc, 2008
The CD from the Eastman School’s Grammy Award– winning resident string quartet—siblings and faculty members Phillip ’91E, ’92E (MM), Timothy ’91E (DMA), Janet ’92E, and David Ying ’92E (DMA)—features a selection of string quartet music by Chinese-American composers.
Music of Four Centuries
By Peter Fletcher ’95E (MM), 2007
The CD by guitarist Fletcher features compositions spanning work by Jean-Baptiste Besard (1567–1625) to Alexandre Tansman (1897–1986).
Viola Seul: Works for Unaccompanied Viola
By Peter Minkler ’82E
Centaur Records, 2007
Featuring seven unaccompanied works, including the world premiere recording of Three for One by Marcel Dick, the CD from violist Minkler, the acting assistant principal of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, is dedicated to the late Francis Tursi ’47E, ’48E (Mas), who was a member of Eastman’s string faculty from 1949 to 1988.
D’vora Ud’vash (Honeybee and Honey)
By Anita Schubert ’73
Self-produced, 2007
The CD by Schubert, the cantor at Temple Beth Sholom in Manchester, Conn., features original settings for prayers performed by Schubert and other soloists as well as an intergenerational choir in styles that include folk, rhumba, gospel, and waltz.
Sky Blue
By the Maria Schneider Orchestra, 2007
The new recording from composer and orchestra leader Schneider ’85E (MM) features Schneider’s composition “Cerulean Skies,” which won a Grammy Award in February.
I Have Dreamed
By Johnny Russo ’66E, Doug Robinson, London McDaniels, and Friends
Watershed Arts, 2007
The recording from trumpeter Russo and his Ithaca-based East Hill Classic Jazz Group features originals and arrangements of jazz standards.
Focused Fields Training for Deep Relaxation and Stress Reduction
By Alfred L. Frost III ’84M (Pdc)
Self-produced, 2007
Frost, whose Buffalo practice focuses on teaching patients hypnosis to help manage their pain and other medical issues, outlines techniques to relax and reduce stress.
Books & Recordings is a compilation of recent publications by University alumni, faculty, and staff. For inclusion in an upcoming issue, send the work’s title, publisher information, author, and author’s class year, along with a brief description, to Books & Recordings, Rochester Review, 147 Wallis Hall, P.O. Box 27033, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627–0033; or via e-mail to: