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UR Financials Newsletter Vol. 7 07.14.2023

In this issue:
  • Workday Expenses (University only, excluding affiliates)
    • Travel expense entry
    • Amex corporate card transactions loaded
  • Accounts Payable (University only, excluding affiliates)
    • Upcoming training sessions

Workday Expenses

  • Travel expense entry
    AP suggests, when there are multiple receipts for ground transportation and meals for a single trip:
    Combine receipts by category, by date and enter one expense line in Workday.Example: combine three receipts for meals on 6/1/23 and list as one expense line. The amount is the sum of the three receipts, and the memo is “6/1 breakfast, lunch, and dinner during conference”
  • Amex corporate card transactions loaded in Workday
    Starting August 1st, American Express Corporate Card transactions will be available in Workday for inclusion on Expense Reports. You may want to consider stopping use of your Corporate Card for personal purchases knowing that all transactions will load into Workday. Personal transactions will need to be Closed in Workday and should never be included on an Expense Report.  If you have a corporate card that you no longer use, email to cancel your card.
  • New Reference Guides are available for self-paced learners in the Expense Reports section.
  • Expenses User Group meetings are held monthly, the next meeting is on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, from 2:00pm – 3:00pm.  Link to join meeting,

Accounts Payable

  • Upcoming training sessions
    AP will be holding quarterly training sessions on Creating Invoice from Receipt and EFT Payment Questionnaire functionality.  We encourage all users who are involved in either of these processes to join these training sessions.  This will not only give you a refresher to ensure that you are following the correct process, but it will also give you an opportunity to ask questions and to provide feedback which we may be able to use to enhance these processes in the future.  Kristina Mano, Accounts Payable Manager, will send an invite to users who should attend the sessions based on usage of either process when we get closer to the dates listed below.