Publication Guidelines
Suggestions for how to prepare your manuscript for submission to the Journal of Undergraduate Research.
General Guidelines
- All submissions must be original works, with all sources properly cited.
- Research Articles contain original work or analysis that brings something new to the field.
- Review Articles evaluate and describe work already done in the field.
- Senior Theses can be submitted as is, with no major formatting differences expected, other than the need for both inline and high-resolution figures in the submission.
- All submissions must be submitted with a Cover Page, Manuscript, and Figures including their raw files.
- Templates for the Cover Page, Manuscript with inline figures, and attached figure powerpoint can be found here.
- Formatting:
- Figures must inserted in the manuscript alongside their caption, in a position similar to how they are intended to be viewed in the published issue.
- Section Headings should be in the same font and size as the text.
- Citations can be in the author’s preferred format, however, all in-text citations must correspond to end of text citations in a separate references section at the end of the manuscript.
Cover Page
- A Full Cover Page should include:
- The title of the article (less than 25 words)
- Name of first author (The author which contributed most to the paper)
- Graduation year of first author
- Names of secondary authors (optional)
- Name of mentor / principal investigator
- Academic discipline of submission (Disciplines can include, but are not limited to, those listed here)
- Word count (including all text, except for footnotes and references)
- Acknowledgement of collaborators and funding sources
- Abstract or summary of work (less than 250 words)
- For all submissions, the text must be understandable to the undergraduate audience, while presenting interesting and compelling findings.
- The manuscript for a Research Article submission generally should (just suggestions) include the following sections:
- If in the Natural Sciences, an Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
- If in the Humanities, an Abstract and Body text with relevant section headings.
- If in Social Sciences, either section formatting is appropriate.
- The manuscript for a Review Article can include an Abstract, the Body text, and references.
- Review Articles must present a thorough investigation of the field, with focus on a particularly compelling and important aspect.
- All Figures should be uploaded in:
- Your manuscript, inline with the text, in a location near their reference in the text.
- Separate powerpoint or image file(s) with high quality versions (300+ dpi) of the figures included in the manuscript.
- Any raw data files associated with the creation of the figures.
- For Graphs and Charts: Submit an addition data file, which was used to produce the Graph/Chart.
- For Tables: Submit an additional excel file of the table, as shown in the Figure.
- For Graphs and Charts: Submit an addition data file, which was used to produce the Graph/Chart.
- Figures must be produced by the authors of the work, or appropriately cited.
Copyright Agreement
The Journal of Undergraduate Research does not require authors to assign the copyright of their published work in the journal. All articles will be published under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). The CC BY license allows for the distribution and reuse of materials with proper attribution.
The purpose of JUR is to encourage undergraduate research pursuits and not to hinder the author’s ability to publish their work in other relevant journals. After publication in JUR, the author reserves the right to present any part of their research in any form in other publications or proceedings.