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Students' Association Government

Students’ Association Appropriations Committee Funding Principles

The following guidelines shall serve to provide a framework within which the Students’ Association Appropriations Committee (SAAC) and SA recognized student organizations can understand the budgeting and supplemental funding processes. SAAC reserves the right to use its discretion at any time.

Student organizations should speak with their advisor and SAAC student accountant if they have concerns about compliance with the funding principles. Advisor and/or SAAC student accountant may have organization complete a SAAC exception form to override an existing principle as an exception

Funding Principles

In order to receive funding through the Students’ Association, a student organization must be SA recognized, registered on the CCC and in good standing with the Administrative Review Committee (ARC). The organization’s membership and programs must be open to all University of Rochester undergraduate students.

  • SAAC only allocates funds for one fiscal year. Any unused subsidy will be returned to SAAC at the end of each fiscal year.
  • SAAC funding is only given to program/funding requests that relate to the guiding principles and primary mission of the student organization requesting the funds.
  • SAAC funding will be based on the demonstrated necessity of expenditures (as determined by SAAC) for the successful completion of a program.
  • SAAC will not fund any items or activities that violate University policies or federal/state/local laws.
  • Priority in SAAC funding is given to student organizations that enhance student life, enrich the co-curricular experience or improve the educational, cultural and inclusive climate of the University.
  • SAAC reserves the right to add Guidelines throughout the academic year.

PART I - Budgeting Guidelines

The following guidelines shall serve to provide a framework within which the Students’ Association Appropriations Committee and SA Recognized Student Organizations may understand the budgeting process. The Appropriations Committee reserves the right to use its discretion at any time.

Student Organizations are urged to speak with their Advisor & SAAC Student Accountant if there are concerns regarding compliance with the Budgeting Guidelines. Advisor &/or SAAC Student Accountant may have Organization complete a SAAC Exception form to override an existing Principle as an exception.

Section One – General Funding Guidelines

  • SAAC will not budget for study breaks.
  • SAAC will only consider budgeting programs, competitions or conferences that occur while classes are in session.
  • SAAC will not fund retroactively, nor will SAAC reimburse.
  • SAAC will not budget organizations or committees with selective, or exclusive memberships, or who require auditions to gain membership.
  • SAAC will generally not budget for t-shirts or other recreational apparel and/or giveaways (gift certificates, trophies, prizes, etc.).
  • SAAC will not budget for discretionary funds, non-specific miscellaneous expenses, emergency cash, petty cash, or non-specific maintenance requests.
  • SAAC will not fund the purchases of drugs, including, but not limited to alcohol and tobacco.
  • SAAC will not budget for testing or certifications for organization members.
  • SAAC will not budget for Charitable donations
  • SAAC will not consider budgeting for bonding programs (e.g. retreats, parties etc.).
    • ALL Student Organizations that receive an “Exceeds Expectations” during the annual SOAR review, may request up to $200 for a bonding program by submitting a Program Supplemental request. This supplemental submission will be excluded from the annual Supplemental limitations.

Section Two – Travel Budgeting Guidelines

  • SAAC will consider travel expenses only within the United States and within a 400 mile radius of the University.
  • SAAC will consider budgeting lodging accommodations in hotels only.
  • SAAC will consider budgeting gas expenses at a predetermined rate for Student Organizations to travel to approved competitions or programs.
  • SAAC will generally not budget for car or van rentals.

Section Three – Advertising Budgeting Guidelines

  • SAAC will consider budgeting advertising materials for fundraising within reasonable limits.
  • SAAC will consider budgeting for advertising for programs and events that are open to the entire undergraduate population.

Section Four – Food Budgeting Guidelines

  • SAAC will consider budgeting refreshments for programs if they are integral to the program, or are cultural or educational in nature.
  • SAAC will not budget for dinners.
  • SAAC will consider budgeting Sanitarian fees.

Section Five – Program/Event Specific Budgeting Guidelines

  • SAAC will consider budgeting up to $500 annually for decorations, Organizations must specify what the funds will be used for.
  • SAAC will not fully budget a program where a Student Organization can profit.
  • SAAC will require organizations that host programs whose expenses exceed $1,000 to charge an entrance fee for the program unless the Committee deems that the program meets either of the following criteria:
    • Cultural or educational in nature
    • A demonstration that an entrance fee will materially impair the success of the program.
  • SAAC will only consider budgeting receptions for special programs (such as speakers & Exhibitions). Request must be in line with Organization's mission or program needs.
  • SAAC will not consider budgeting the venue or location fee for large scale off-campus programs
    • SAAC will consider budgeting for transportation for students attending the event