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May 12, 2020 | 05:04 pm

Education Abroad programs canceled for fall 2020

The University has been carefully monitoring the COVID-19 situation globally and due to uncertain conditions abroad has made the difficult decision to cancel all education abroad programs for fall 2020.…

topics: may-2020,
May 12, 2020 | 02:42 pm

Study abroad

Updated October 14 All 2020 summer and fall undergraduate Education Abroad programs have been canceled. In addition, spring 2021 semester-long study abroad programs have been canceled. See full details. If…

topics: may-2020,
May 12, 2020 | 08:06 am

Vacation policy: Updates on accruals

In light of work disruptions caused by the crisis, the University wants to ensure that faculty and staff maintain access to earned vacation time so that it is available when…

topics: may-2020,
May 2, 2020 | 09:14 am

CETL offers a wide range of academic support services

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has reopened its academic support programs using remote instruction, including tutoring, study skills, Study Zone, study groups, Methods of Inquiry, peer education…

topics: may-2020,
May 1, 2020 | 01:35 pm

Furlough program information

About furloughs A furlough is a temporary, unpaid layoff from work or a reduction in the days or hours worked, with the expectation of returning the employee to regular employment…

topics: may-2020,
April 28, 2020 | 08:12 am

Temporary furlough program starts in May

In recent messages to the University community, President Mangelsdorf and senior leaders announced steps the University will take to address financial challenges during the coronavirus pandemic: Temporary furlough program: A message…

topics: apr-2020,