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Extra masks available to students who want to double-mask

Updated March 2, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that double-masking—specifically, wearing a medical mask underneath a cloth mask—may provide a much higher level of protection than just wearing one mask when it comes to filtering out the viral particles that cause COVID-19.  The CDC also mentions that for any mask to be effective—single or double—it must lay tightly around a person’s face and nose—no gaps.

The full CDC report, “Maximizing Fit for Cloth and Medical Procedure Masks to Improve Performance and Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Exposure, 2021,” can be read online.

For students on campus who wish to start double-masking, free medical masks (for the base layer) are available for pick-up. Two masks per person, per visit will be provided, and students should show their University ID and completed Dr. Chat Bot screening when picking up at the following locations:

  • River Campus undergraduate students can stop by Common Connection, 201 Wilson Commons during regular business hours.
  • Eastman School of Music students can pick up masks in the main hall at the Public Safety desk, and the front desk of the Student Living Center.
  • Graduate students can obtain masks through their academic department.
  • New 3/2 The Event & Classroom Management (ECM) help desk in Hoyt Hall is also a mask distribution location for students, staff and faculty.

Faculty and staff on River Campus, at ESM, and on any other non-Medical Center campus can also pick up free medical masks through their departments.

The Medical Center has separate face mask guidelines for their students and those working in health care. More information is found here.