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For students: COVID test and face mask availability prior to spring break

University Health Service (UHS) will be distributing COVID-19 self-test kits and masks to students at various locations across campus prior to spring break. The kits and masks are covered by the mandatory health fee and there is no additional cost to students. Students are encouraged to use these masks and tests to allow for a safe return from spring break. They will be available at UHS, Goergen Athletic Center, and several Residential Life area offices beginning Tuesday, March 1. Below is a list of locations for pickup.

  • UHS: 1 to 4 p.m. (Tuesday, March 1, and Thursday, March 3, only)
  • Goergen Athletic Center: 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Residential Life area offices:

  • First-Year Hill Office (Susan B. Anthony and Genesee): 104 Morgan Wing, Susan B. Anthony Halls
  • First-Year Quad Office (Gilbert, Hoeing, and Tiernan): 100 Gilbert Hall
  • Fraternity Quad Office (for all houses on the Fraternity Quad): 100 Gilbert Hall
  • Jackson Court Area Office (O’Brien, Anderson, and Wilder): 114 O’Brien Hall
  • Hill Court and Southside area office (Chambers, Fairchild, Gale, Kendrick, Munro, Slater, deKiewiet, Valentine, and Maisonettes): 110 Gale House
  • Bridge Area Office (Burton, Crosby, Lovejoy, Brooks Crossing, and Riverview): B 114 Sigma Phi Epsilon, basement level