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Find out what to do if you or a close contact have symptoms of coronavirus or think you may have been exposed

Below is a checklist of steps to take. This guidance is consistent with the best available public health advice and applies to employees and students, with the exception of those who work at the Medical Center, for which there is separate guidance.

If a classmate or colleague is tested for COVID-19:
  • The person being tested will isolate. Current CDC guidance says that unless you have recently spent more than 15 minutes in close contact (within 6 feet) with this person, you shouldn’t need to be concerned about contracting COVID-19 from them.
  • If you have spent more than 15 minutes with the individual being tested, you should call UHS at (585) 275-2662 for further guidance. You may be required to self-quarantine. If you become symptomatic, call your primary care physician or UHS.
  • Your department head or an administrator should contact University Facilities at (585) 273-4567 to arrange proper cleaning and sanitization of the office or living spaces where you and your friend/colleague are based. University Facilities is prepared for these requests and is equipped to perform these types of cleanings.
  • Try to stay calm and wait for the results of the individual’s COVID-19 test to come back.
  • If you are concerned you have been exposed to the coronavirus:

All University faculty members, post-docs, trainees, and staff should call their primary care provider (PCP). Your PCP knows your medical history and can provide the most informed guidance. If you do not have a primary care provider, please call (888) 928-0011 for guidance.

All University students should call UHS at (585) 275-2662 to discuss your personal circumstances. Health care providers there are in the best position to guide you on your next steps. Note: When calling UHS, please be patient with the process. UHS staff members are taking all of the calls, but the volume of callers may be high. 

For your safety and for the safety of medical professionals and their other patients, please call before you visit any medical office.

Remember to keep up the habits that help prevent COVID-19 infection and keep the community healthy:

  • Maintain social distancing—putting 6 feet of space between you and others in your daily interactions.
  • Clean hands frequently with soap and water (wash for at least 20 seconds) or alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.
  • As required, complete the Dr. Chat Bot symptom screening tool every day prior to arriving on campus to report any symptoms of coronavirus. For the health of all University community members, everyone must act responsibly and honestly when filling out Dr. Chat Bot.

If you would like to discuss your concerns with someone, there are many resources at the University available to you.