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Message to the University Community from President Mangelsdorf

In a message to the University community, President Sarah Mangelsdorf shares an update on the University’s response to the COVID-19 public health crisis:

“I’m thinking of all of you at this time of isolation, social distancing, and high anxiety. I am grateful to so many of you for your creative ideas and supportive messages as the University navigates a public health crisis of uncharted proportions. I want to thank you all for adjusting to new ways of teaching and learning, coming to terms with the fact that we will not be able to celebrate Commencement for our 2020 graduates as planned in May, continuing to provide support and service to our students on campus, juggling the dual challenge of simultaneous remote work and childcare, and keeping this institution running. Most important, I want to thank the healthcare providers and support staff at the Medical Center, who are working tirelessly to provide exceptional and compassionate care to our patients and their families, and our researchers, who are studying ways to combat COVID-19, from possible clinical trials to the development of ways to increase the number of patients who can use a single ventilator simultaneously. I will have more to share on some of this promising research work in a future message.

“I am writing today to share with you how the University is responding to this public health crisis. I hope you have the time to read through to the end because there is much to report.”

Read the full message on the President’s website.