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More University employees will become eligible for COVID-19 vaccine on March 17

NOTE: Please visit our Vaccine page for the latest updates and guidance. The below was shared on March 11.

A new expansion of New York State’s COVID-19 vaccine eligibility requirements will allow more University faculty and staff to receive the shot. Individuals 60 years and older can make appointments now. Individuals in the additional eligible vaccination categories below can make appointments now for dates March 17 and later.

  • In-person college/university faculty (those currently teaching an in-person course) and essential in-person staff.  This change means that essential University staff who are working in-person are now eligible for a vaccination
  • Public facing public employees
  • Public facing building workers, including building service workers and providers of essential building services.

The Office of Government & Community Relations is continuing to seek additional clarification on which University community members are included under the new, expanded guidelines. The Finger Lakes Vaccine Hub offers more details on the current eligibility groups, as well as resources for booking an appointment.  Appointments can also be scheduled by calling the state’s hotline, 1-833-697-4829. Employees will be required to show proof of eligible employment, which can take the form of an employee ID, pay stub, or letter from their employer.