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Facility density and physical distancing

Physical distancing principles

All individuals on campus (students, faculty, staff, visitors, and guests) should always endeavor to remain physically separated from others by at least 6 feet, acknowledging that hallways as well as exits to rooms and buildings will not accommodate a 6-foot separation. When in the presence of others, masks should be worn in addition to distancing measures. Masking exceptions include

  1. being out-of-doors while greater than six feet from others or
  2. while eating using social distancing guidelines.

Residence halls

Double and single rooms

As such, all rooms that had accommodated triples have been reduced to doubles. The number of students in double rooms will be decreased and the number of single rooms increased. Those rooms that remain doubles will take into account student surveys recently conducted regarding room preferences in light of the pandemic. Students identified as immunocompromised or who have underlying conditions will be housed in single rooms. If there is inadequate space to provide single rooms or a student does not feel comfortable returning to campus, student may opt to continue their education remotely.

Moving in to residence halls

Student move-ins to residence halls will be pre-scheduled to accommodate distancing. We will limit the number of family members allowed to assist students with move-in. Both the student and helping individuals (e.g., a family member) will be required to complete a health screening prior to move-in.

Access to residence halls

Once on campus, access to residential facilities will be limited through key card access and students will not be able to enter residential facilities other than the building in which they reside. No visitors will be allowed to residential facilities.

Residential bathroom facilities (UPDATED 8/4)

For residential bathroom facilities, sinks will be assigned as “mask-required” and “no-mask required” to ensure 6 feet of physical separation. Hand dryers are being replaced by touchless paper towel dispensers.


Each school is developing detailed classroom plans which adhere to the following principles: Classrooms, instructional space and lecture halls including auditoriums shall use 40 square feet per masked person for determining occupancy limits. Occupancy plans should account for space consumed by furniture. Hallways will be marked or provided with signage at 6-foot intervals to prevent gathering outside of classrooms. Classrooms having two doors will utilize one for entrance and the other for exit, which will be clearly marked. Classrooms having one door will utilize a process for loading and unloading similar to airlines: back to front for entrance; front to back for exiting.

Hybrid online and in-person approach

To meet standards for physical distancing this Fall, a hybrid online and in-person approach to classes will be necessary. All large lecture classes (e.g. those > 100 students) will be conducted online. Smaller classes will be a hybrid of online and in-person to reduce density and to accommodate students who will be unable to attend in person. Instruction will take a variety of different formats, ranging from in-person and hybrid to entirely online, and these differences will depend on faculty needs and accommodations as well as the possibility government restrictions may change and require adjustment for emerging safety recommendations.

Common areas and shared spaced

Each school is developing plans for these areas, adhering to the following guidelines: smaller areas used for breaks, common areas or study areas should be limited to 1 person in the space or no less than 40 square feet per person.

Dining facilities and services

Facility modifications

Dining Services is developing a plan adhering to NYS guidance for dining/restaurants and the following principles: Occupancies for dining should not exceed approximately 50% of the posted occupancy, and occupants should observe social distancing guidelines and wear masks while waiting in line. Markings on the floor will indicate where people should stand to maintain correct social distancing. Directions for where faculty, staff and students can eat will be posted (in private offices, breakrooms, outside while maintaining 6-foot distances, etc.) No food will be allowed in classrooms, general common areas not designated for dining, libraries, or laboratories due to masking requirements.

Service modifications

All managers and employees of Dining Services will go through both University mandatory training as well as dining-services-specific training. Health checks will be completed at the beginning of all shifts and face masks will be worn by employees at all times. Dining Services will remove all self-service options and will use disposables for utensils, plates, and trays to limit the spread of germs. We are redesigning our staffing and menus to maintain our commitment to local purchasing and our commitment to serving our diverse community while also being mindful of the need to simplify choices to minimize transaction times and maximize throughput.

Faculty and staff offices

The University continues to require the majority of employees to work remotely by indicating that all work that can be done remotely should continue remotely for the foreseeable future. Once in-person activities begin to resume, all meetings where social distancing cannot be maintained, project discussions and seminars should continue to be conducted electronically (e.g. Zoom, Phone, FaceTime).

The University is developing a new Remote Work Policy and building job assessment guidelines and processes for establishing a more effective remote workforce and environment where it is appropriate long term.

Physical distancing policies

All individuals on campus (students, faculty, staff, visitors, and guests) should always endeavor to remain physically separated from others by at least 6 feet, acknowledging that hallways as well as exits to rooms and buildings will not accommodate a 6-foot separation. Entrances and exits will be clearly marked. When in the presence of others, masks should be worn in addition to distancing measures. Masks are not required when outdoors while maintaining greater than six feet from others or while eating.

Shared transportation

To promote safety for shuttle riders and drivers, shuttle bus capacity will be reduced initially to 50 percent seated capacity and standing will be prohibited. Every other seat will be taped off to easily identify whether capacity remains. Shuttle bus routes will be adapted in order to accommodate greater physical distancing with available resources. Extra buses have been added to the heavily utilized shuttle lines to spread out rider capacity and service hours will be expanded to accommodate a greater number of shuttles. Passengers and drivers will be required to wear masks. Sanitizer stations will be located at each bus point of entrance/exit. Shuttles will be wiped down after each route. Shuttle operations will end between midnight and 5am in order to have proper sanitization and deep cleaning time.

Library facilities

Shares spaces and study spaces

Restricting occupancy to 50 sf per person (and 6’ separation) for study and shared spaces will be promoted through removal of furniture, including lounge furniture, allowing only one person per small group study room, and additions of floor markings and signage. Personnel will regularly monitor the main library at the River Campus to encourage physical distancing.

Access to collections

Access to open stacks will be allowed with signage to mandate physical distancing with signage to indicate patrons should not re-shelve materials. Materials for short-term course reserves will be electronic only with no circulation of high-demand technology devices. Contactless transactions using self-checkout kiosks and self-serve holds will be used in main libraries, employing cleaning protocols after each use. Returned or used materials will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours. Specific protocols for the safe handling of rare and unique materials have been developed.

Service points

Plexi-glass partitions will be erected to protect service staff and patrons during transactions. All service signage and floor markers will mandate the line-up protocol. Contactless procedures for item pickup and checkout will be used.

Hours of service

Reduced hours of services from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for the main library at the River Campus with auxiliary study space in Rush Rhees open until 2 a.m. to provide safe and secure late night, monitored study space. School and small departmental libraries will be open with reduced hours or by appointment only.


With the exception of programming with 10 or less people including the instructor, all instructional and research consultation programming will occur virtually.

Athletic facilities and events

We will follow guidelines issued by New York State for reopening gyms and athletic facilities. Athletics staff are developing a plan for reopening the Goergen Athletic Center for recreational use based on University guidance for student life and best practices for fitness facilities. This will involve reduced occupancy loads in activity spaces (25 percent of the established maximum) and efforts to promote physical distancing. Facility access will be restricted to students. In general, occupancies of gyms or athletic spaces will be limited to one (1) team for outdoor practices and one-half (½) the team for indoor practices.

Event facilities

Performance and event facilities, which are not yet approved to open, will follow specific sector guidance developed by NYS, once that is available. Planning is underway, and in general, occupancies of large gathering spaces (greater than 400 people), such as Eastman Theater, Palestra, Prince Athletic Complex and Fauver, should be limited to 25 percent of the space’s posted occupancy limit or according to NYS rules, once those facilities are permitted to open. Venues containing seating should space seating (for example, plan to seat every other row and every third seat). For outdoor spaces everyone must maintain 6-foot separations.

Memorial Art Gallery (MAG)

The Memorial Art Gallery is opening to the public as the Finger Lakes Region enters Phase 4 and museums and cultural organizations are approved by New York State with specific reopening rules. Guests will be required to wear a mask at all times while visiting the museum. Signs will be posted at the entrances informing visitors about our policies. We will additionally add a second admission desk and add protective glass to these desks to assist with physical distancing. The Gallery will also implement a new ticketing and payment system to allow for a contactless admissions process.

Signage on the floor will give physical distancing prompts for guests, particularly in areas that could be congested. Interactive exhibits that involve touchscreens will be turned off and signage placed on them.

Events at MAG will be customized specifically for customer needs while maintaining physical distancing. This includes ensuring tables and seating are located six feet apart with wider aisles and theater-style seating will be set with proper spacing.