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Provost webinar outlines health and safety protocols for fall

As the University finalizes plans for the fall 2020 semester, many questions have been raised about how to operationalize health and safety processes and protocols to keep the community safe during the pandemic. On July 23, Provost Rob Clark invited University medical experts and leaders in facilities and operations to join him for a recorded webinar that addresses a number of issues that are upmost in the minds of our faculty, staff, students, and parents.

In a nearly hour-long recorded panel discussion, Clark was joined by medical experts and facilities leaders to discuss a range of topics, including current health guidelines and which COVID-19 test the University is employing; cleaning protocols for classrooms, labs, and public spaces; the science behind social distancing, personal protective equipment (PPE), and indoor and outdoor ventilation; what happens if someone tests positive for COVID-19; community thresholds and factors the University is closely monitoring; and ways that to ensure that community members follow the guidelines to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Webinar: Video and transcript

video recording (with captions) of the Reopening Webinar is available, along with an accessible transcript (PDF) of the conversation.

Clark was joined by medical experts and facilities leaders to discuss a range of topics