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Spring 2021: Schools announce academic plans

Updated December 7

University academic leaders have announced the plans and learning formats for the upcoming spring semester.

Arts, Sciences & Engineering (AS&E)

AS&E classes will begin on Feb. 1 and end on May 7. In the spring semester, AS&E will continue to make all classes available online for those students who wish to or must study remotely.  Additionally, about half of the classes will include some in-person components for students who are living on campus or in the Rochester community (face-to-face instruction in de-densified classrooms, as well as in-person recitations, workshops or lab sections).

New 12/7 Spring semester study break days will be held on March 3, 2021 and March 30, 2021. AS&E will not hold classes—graduate and undergraduate—on these days.

Eastman School of Music (ESM)

ESM classes will begin on February 1 and end on May 7 and will continue to be both in-person and online. Spring semester 2021 will include an expanded number of synchronous online courses and continued promotion of music-making across all components of the curriculum.

New 12/7 Spring semester study break days will be held on March 3, 2021 and March 30, 2021. Eastman will not hold classes—graduate and undergraduate—on these days.

Simon Business School

Simon’s graduate classes will begin on January 11 and end on May 6; undergraduate business classes will adhere to the AS&E calendar and format. Graduate courses will be taught using both in-person instruction and a mix of synchronous and asynchronous content. Accommodations will be provided for students who face complications that limit their ability to be on campus. Since details differ by program, Simon will be communicating exact protocols with all of its students.

The Warner School for Education and Human Development

Warner will begin classes on February 1 and will continue to offer coursework online for the spring semester, with experiential placements (i.e. student teaching, internships) happening in-person as each school/educational site allows. LeChase Hall is open to students for study space, to meet in socially distanced small groups, and for access to student support resources.

School of Medicine and Dentistry (MD program)

The MD program will continue with distance learning for lectures. In-person activities, such as problem-based learning and skill-building small group sessions, will continue. Assessments that utilize standardized patients are anticipated to be conducted in person. All in-person activities require personal protective equipment (PPE). Clinical experiences both required and elective will continue in the usual format. Student enrichment programs such as volunteer activities will continue either in person or remotely depending upon the activity.

School of Medicine and Dentistry

The spring semester will begin on January 13.

  • Doctoral, masters and certificate programs Group lecture instruction will be conducted remotely. In-person learning will be focused to support experiential learning (i.e. working in a research lab and other hands-on learning and clinical learning) and small classes and group discussions. All in-person activities will use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and adhere to accepted distancing standards. When possible, accommodations will be made for students who are not in Rochester due to travel restrictions, health issues, and changes in the undergraduate calendar (for undergraduate students who take SMD courses).
  • MD Program: The MD program will continue with distance learning for lectures. In-person activities will continue, including problem-based learning and skill-building small group sessions. Assessments that utilize standardized patients are anticipated to be done in-person. All in-person activities require PPE. Clinical experiences both required and elective will continue in the normal format. Student enrichment programs, such as volunteer activities, will continue either in-person or remotely depending upon the activity.
  • Clinical Residency and Fellowship Programs (GME): These year-round programs that began in July and will continue as usual. Patient care activities follow all protective procedures being used by staff and faculty. Large conferences will be done online.

New 12/7 Spring semester study break days will be held on March 3, 2021 and March 30, 2021. All classes taught at SMD will be canceled on these days.

Eastman Institute for Oral Health

EIOH will continue with online learning for all didactic coursework and in-person clinical teaching, small group hands-on workshops and problem-based learning.

The School of Nursing (SON)

SON will begin classes in early January and will continue with in-person lab and clinical learning experiences and remote learning for all didactic coursework.