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AS&E plans for in-person 2021-22 academic year

Updated March 26, 2021 AS&E is making plans for an in-person 2021-22 academic year beginning with the fall semester. All classes and educational experiences for undergraduate and graduate students in the schools of Arts, Sciences & Engineering at the University of Rochester are expected to be held on campus at full classroom capacity, assuming health and safety guidelines are met. Virtual instruction options will be prepared as part of contingency plans, including instructional plans for international students who cannot travel to the U.S. As always, the University reserves the prerogative to change the mode of instruction for any course to on-line or hybrid delivery whenever deemed necessary or pedagogically appropriate. While there are still some uncertainties, AS&E leaders are optimistic that vaccines will be widely deployed this spring and summer and strongly encourage students, faculty and staff to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as eligibility allows. The specific plans and policies for instruction, activities and operations in the 2021-22 academic year will be updated regularly in the coming months and informed by and subject to change based on information from the University’s medical experts, the current state of COVID-19 on campus, any additional state and federal guidelines, as well as the commitment to the University community’s health and safety.