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Update on COVID vaccination availability for University in-person instructors, faculty

Please note: An update was posted on January 13 regarding email notifications sent to University community members who are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

See the latest update

The below information was shared on January 12 to University faculty and in-person instructors.

Updated January 12: COVID-19 vaccination availability

On Jan. 11, New York State health officials announced that in-person college instructors/faculty are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine (see details below). As New York State and federal guidance continues to change, we want to share that the Medical Center is assessing the new guidance and making plans for vaccinating eligible faculty at an on-campus site.

As logistics are finalized, in-person instructors and faculty will receive an email link allowing them to register for an Employee Health vaccination. As New York State adds more categories of eligible individuals, Employee Health will open registrations to them as vaccine supplies allow.

This is a rapidly changing situation—be sure to check @Rochester and the University’s COVID-19 Resource Center for further updates.

Posted January 11, 2021

New York State health officials have announced that in-person college instructors/faculty are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. University instructors/faculty teaching in-person this spring who wish to schedule an appointment should complete this New York State screening form as the first step. New vaccination sites are opening this week throughout the state. Instructors/faculty who wish to be vaccinated must sign an attestation at the point of receiving the vaccine stating that they meet the criteria of teaching in-person classes in the coming semester or term.

Although in-person instructors/faculty are now eligible to make a reservation for vaccination, demand for vaccines outpaces the state’s current supply. Therefore, the roll-out of the vaccine for educators may be delayed and appointments may not be immediate. According to the New York State website: Eligibility determinations and a list of nearby providers where appointments can be scheduled can all be done through New York’s “Am I Eligible” app. New Yorkers can begin calling the New York State Vaccination Hotline at 4 pm, on Monday, January 11: 1-833-NYS-4VAX (1-833-697-4829).

On-Campus Vaccination Sites

URMC’s Employee Health has been effectively vaccinating their health care workers over the past few weeks in accordance with New York State guidelines. Moving forward, Employee Health and CURT, along with University academic leaders are working to open this on-site opportunity to all University community members who meet the current (New York 1B) criteria.

In upcoming days, required updates will be made to the registration system, including the important personal attestation clause. At that point, eligible University community members (faculty and staff 75 and older; P-12 student teachers in the Warner School of Education and the Eastman School of Music who are currently teaching in a local school district) will receive an email link that allows them to register for a vaccination through Employee Health. Other eligible in-person instructors/faculty, will receive an email link allowing them to register for an Employee Health vaccination as vaccine supplies become available. As New York State adds more categories of eligible individuals, Employee Health will open registrations to them as vaccine supplies allow.

If you have questions about your eligibility, please do not contact Employee Health: all of their resources are currently dedicated to managing the vaccination processes. Instead, consult the New York State screening form, and please keep an eye out for an emailed link indicating that a vaccination through Employee Health is available to you.

As a designated vaccine distribution point, the University must follow New York State guidelines or risk sanctions. For University staff who do not fall within the currently approved categories but are in regular student contact, the University is working with New York State through the Office of Government Relations and with the Council of Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) to expand the categories of vaccine-eligible university workers. This is a rapidly changing situation, so please check @Rochester, the University’s COVID site, and the New York State COVID site for up-to-the-minute information.