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Your gift helps us give hope to patients and their families

        Finding new treatments and cures for a number of neuromuscular diseases is within our reach. With your
        support, we can fulfill our vision to help patients around the world. Below are some of the ways you can help.

        IN NEUROMUSCULAR CLINICAL CARE AND                       EDUCATION FUNDS—$250,000 to $500,000
        RESEARCH—$1,500,000 to $2,000,000+
                                                                 Your support of professional training and continuing education
        Professorships are among the most coveted and defining rewards   opportunities for our scientific and health care workforce will
        that a faculty member can receive. They provide invaluable   help ensure that we encourage new ideas and lead the nation
        support that helps the recipient expand research projects,   in amazing discoveries, groundbreaking technologies, and a
        conduct clinical studies, and mentor Ph.D. candidates and junior   nurturing partnership with our patients and families to improve
        faculty. An endowed professorship is a long-term commitment   their well-being.
        to excellence that links its donors to quality medical education,
        research, and patient care in perpetuity.                PILOT PROJECTS/SEED FUNDS—$50,000 to
                                                                 $100,000 (ANNUALLY)
        ENDOWED NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASE RESEARCH                   Gifts for seed funding are “risk capital.” They allow scientists to
        FUND—$750,000 to $1,000,000
                                                                 shift the direction of their research to follow promising leads
        Our scientists perform groundbreaking research directed   or new ideas, propelling scientific discoveries in new ways.
        toward the prevention and treatment of neuromuscular disease.   You can help give researchers the time they need to push the
        Endowed research funds support mid-career scientists who have   boundaries of science and allow innovative ideas to reach their
        not yet attained the rank of full professor, but whose work has   full potential.
        distinguished them from their peers. This endowed fund will
        provide the stability to support promising faculty careers and   PATIENT- AND FAMILY-CENTERED CARE
        encourage their ever greater achievement.                FUNDS—$25,000 to $75,000

                                                                 The demands of day-to-day care and changing family roles
        TEAM SCIENCE FUNDS—$500,000 to $1,000,000+               can put stress on families and loved ones. A balance is needed
                                                                 between the patient’s autonomy and recognizing when
        Most scientific discoveries are not made by one scientist.   intervention of care is required, while making family members
        Generally, breakthroughs are the result of years of intensive   feel supported as well. Our unique programs provide support
        work by teams of researchers that include graduate students,   services for caregivers, patients, and families in Rochester and
        postdoctoral fellows, and laboratory technicians. You can support   surrounding communities. Your gift can help fund important
        the contributions of our entrepreneurial, innovative research   needs such as support groups and educational programs for
        teams who have a legacy of working collaboratively across   patients and families, or transportation/basic needs for the most
        disciplines and with scientists from other institutions. You can   vulnerable patients to ensure they continue their care.
        also support the technology that speeds the path to new therapies
        and cures, yet adds heavily to research costs.

                           “Donor support is our biggest strength and our most critical need.”
                                          —RichaRd T. Moxley, iii, M.d.

    For more information contact Brenda Geglia at:

    (585) 276-4570  •
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