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RNA Biology: A Revolutionary Approach

           to Treating Disease

                                                RNA biology is an exploding area of medicine. It holds amazing promise for
                                                the treatment of humanity’s most challenging diseases including muscular
                                                dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, drug-resistant bacterial infections, and cancer.

                                                Almost all inheritable and acquired diseases are caused by faulty RNA, making
                                                it a target for disease therapy. Yet many people have never even heard of this
                                                field of research.

                                                In the last few years, though, mainstream media has begun to report on
                                                the stunning breakthroughs being made in RNA biology. Many of those
                                                breakthroughs are happening right here at the University of Rochester
                                                Medical Center.

                                                Our Center for RNA Biology is a world-class program. The significance of its
                                                work cannot be underestimated. The research we are performing may prevent
                                                or cure diseases in ways that were impossible just a few years ago.
          Bradford C. Berk, M.D., Ph.D.

          CEO, University of Rochester Medical Center  We are proud to be at the forefront of this revolutionary work―work that
                                                could have an impact on adults and children in our community, the nation,
                                                and the world.

                                                Join us by supporting the center that is a world leader in RNA biology. You
                                                will be accelerating research that has the potential to help solve the most
                                                challenging problems in human health.

                                                Best Regards,

                                                Dr. Bradford C. Berk, ’81M (MD), ’81M (PhD)

           ON THE COVER: Dr. Lynne Maquat, director of the Center for RNA Biology, and Dr. Michael
           Gleghorn, a postdoctoral fellow in the Maquat Lab, use X-ray crystallography to produce a
           high-resolution, three-dimensional image of the shape and atomic structure of a RNA-binding
           protein that has been crystallized. The image will provide an understanding of how proteins
           regulate RNA function in cells.
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