Page 5 - School of Medicine and Dentistry | University of Rochester Medical Center
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Building on its leadership in health                                    Retired after more than 30 years as a
          care education, the School of                                           reading specialist in a suburban Rochester

          Medicine and Dentistry has created                                      school district, Barbara Simms discovered
          an Institute for Innovative Education.                                  an opportunity to help a different set of
                                                                                  students flourish: medical students. Simms
          Our Institute will assure that we address extensive changes in          has played the role of a standardized patient
          health care and rapidly integrate new technologies and approaches       at the School of Medicine and Dentistry
          to health care delivery, train professionals to work in teams, foster   for more than five years. She works with
          better patient-centered care, and develop quality and safety metrics.   medical students and doctors to help
          The Institute will also identify and develop common programs and        enhance students’ skills in the areas of
          curricula not only for medical and dental students, but across the      interviewing, history taking, diagnosing,
          entire medical center including nursing students, residents, fellows,   performing physical exams, and counseling.
          faculty, physicians, and hospital staff.                                This involvement led her to help students

          The Institute will provide the tools, expertise, and services           financially with the Barbara A. Simms
          to educate and train health care professionals and help them            Endowed Scholarship Fund.
          maintain and update their skills and knowledge throughout               “Establishing this fund is so powerful. By
          their careers. Our health care professionals will learn how to          helping one doctor, I could affect thousands
          collaborate, communicate, share information, and interact with          of people and their health,” said Simms.
          patients, with the humanism and compassion that have been               Her philanthropy also includes a generous
          the cornerstones of our biopsychosocial model. We will also             commitment to support the priority needs
          develop tools that can be utilized by other medical schools across      of the School, and support for the annual
          the nation.                                                             Barbara Simms Primary Care Resident

          You can help us keep pace with training and technology                  Education Award fund. In 2011, Simms
          advancements by giving your support to our dedicated 55,000–            was presented with the John N. Wilder
          square-foot simulation center in the Center for Experiential            Award, which honors an individual, family,
          Learning. Simulation training uses standardized patients,               association, corporation, or foundation
          computer-based training, and computer-enhanced patient                  whose philanthropy inspires others to
          mannequins that mimic human medical conditions, and is a                support the School or University.
          critical component in educating health professionals. The facility
          will include flexible teaching classrooms, high-fidelity simulation
          rooms, areas for study and informal learning, observation areas,
          a surgical simulation lab, and a surgical skills classroom. This
          will give students and staff the vital learning environment they
          need to enhance their clinical skills and become better health care
          professionals. The new simulation center will also be a community
          resource to help individuals learn what to expect during a visit with
          their physician or a hospital stay and how to work effectively with
          a health care team.
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