The Rochester Review, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
River Campus Graduate
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James Mancuso (PhD) received the lifetime achievement award from the North American Personal Construct Network for more than 30 years of work in the construct psychology community. In addition to teaching at the college level, Mancuso has published many papers, including "Schizophrenia: Medical Diagnosis or Moral Verdict" with Ted Sarbin and books such as Cognition and Personal Structure, which he co-authored with Mildred Shaw. He has designed computer software and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Constructivist Psychology. He is a founding member of the Italian-American Community Center in Albany and is mentioned in the Who's Who in the East 1999-2000.
Elizabeth Arnold Guillette '60, '61N, '63W (Mas) (see Alumni Gazette, TRACKING THE GREEN REVOLUTION).
Bala Manian (MS) is chairman of the board of Lumisys, Inc., a company that provides integrated hardware and software for medical imaging and industrial solutions located in Sunnyvale, Calif. Manian is founder and chairman of Biometric Imaging, Inc., a systems company dedicated to advancing cellular therapeutics.
Richard Kellogg W (PhD), professor of psychology at SUNY College of Technology at Alfred, is the author of an article appearing on the Web site of a "Sherlockian" publisher and distributor. The article is titled "The Moriarty Gene" and can be found under the feature article section at The article discusses the roots of criminality in terms of genetic and environmental factors.
Marigrace Bellert (MA) is an assistant dean at Yale College of Yale University and director of Yale summer programs. . . . Richard Bourns S (MBA) retired on February 1 from his posts as director of imaging operations and imaging materials manufacturing and senior vice president of Eastman Kodak Company.
John Chiazza S (MBA) is CIO for Eastman Kodak Company.
Charles Bellavia S (MBA) is vice president of worldwide sales for California Micro Devices Corp. The company, headquartered in Milpitas, Calif., designs, manufactures, and markets integrated thin film, silicon-based termination, filtering, and active electronic circuitry . . . . Dianne Sadoff (PhD) writes: "My second book, Sciences of the Flesh: Representing Body and Subject in Psychoanalysis, has just appeared. I have a new position as chair of the department of English at Miami University in Ohio."
Barry Rifkin '69 (Flw), '74 (PhD) is the dean of the School of Dental Medicine at SUNY Stony Brook.
Joseph Doody S (MBA) is president of Staples, Inc.'s contract and commercial operations. Staples operates office superstores worldwide. . . . Nancy McGlen '72 (Mas), '75 (PhD), dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Niagara University in New York, has been elected to a two-year term on the governing council of the American Political Science Association.
Kenneth Harrington S (MBA) was named market manager at Gradient Lens Corp., a high-technology optics firm located in Rochester.
Richard Wise '77, '78S (MBA) (see '77 undergraduate).
Barry Brenner S (MBA) is director and vice president for strategic initiatives at Eastman Kodak Company, reporting directly to George Fisher, Kodak chairman and CEO. . . .
Keith Weil S (MBA) joined Wolverine Tube, Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of copper and copper alloy tube, as senior vice president of tubing products.
Mark Forsyth S (MBA) is northeast regional vice president at Atherton Capital Inc., a San Francisco Bay area specialty commercial finance company.
Roland Caputo S (MBA) is president of City & Suburban, the wholesaler distribution subsidiary for The New York Times. . . . David Keller '82, '84 (Mas) (see '82 undergraduate).
David LaBudde '85S (MBA) is vice president and general manager for Bausch & Lomb's North America eyewear business.
Brian Cashmere '85, '86S (MBA) (see '85 undergraduate).
Jeffrey Hall S (MBA) is vice president for market research at Paramount Pictures, part of the entertainment operations of Viacom, Inc., located in Hollywood, Calif. . . . Ajay Kela '82 (MS), '87 (PhD) was promoted to vice president of AutoCAD release development at Autodesk, Inc., a supplier of PC design software and multimedia tools located in San Rafael, Calif. . . . Hwa Lim '83 (MS), '87 (PhD) is chairman and CEO of D-Trends, Inc., in San Ramon, Calif. . . . Sharon McGroder '86, '87 (MS) (see '86 undergraduate). . . . Thomas Nalli '82 (Mas), '87 (PhD) was promoted to associate professor of chemistry at Winona State University in Winona, Minn.
Jeffrey Smith '87, '88S (MBA) (see '87 undergraduate).
Samuel Northshield '85 (MA), '89 (PhD) is visiting associate professor of mathematics at Carleton College in Northfield, Minn. . . . As of February 1, Philip Tatusko S (MBA) is general manager of global equipment manufacturing and vice president of Eastman Kodak Company.
Lorrie Pownall '88, '90 (MS), '90S (MBA) (see '88 undergraduate).
Ellen Sternberg Bevan '84 (MA), '91 (PhD) was named director of development at Wilson Commencement Park, a not-for-profit agency in Rochester providing support services for low-income families moving from welfare dependency to work. She previously worked for more than six years as the senior associate director of the University's Career Center. She also has been elected to the 1999 class of Leadership Rochester. She is serving a second term on both the board of directors of the Rochester Women's Network and as a judge for the Janet H. Kafka Prize in Literature. . . . Deborah Howe (MA) married James Allen on June 20 in Childs, N.Y. She is the director of annual giving at Genesee Hospital Foundation. . . . Grace Hsu '88 (MS), '91 (PhD) is an associate at the law firm of Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti, LLP, located in Morristown, N.J. She works in the firm's intellectual property group. . . . Martin Mucci S (MBA) was profiled in the November 13 issue of the Rochester Business Journal. He is chairman and CEO at Frontier Telephone of Rochester, Inc. and president of telephone operations for Frontier Corp. . . . Kevin Stevens S (MBA) married Jennifer Manno on October 24 in Rochester. Kevin is an application development customer unit manager for Microsoft in New York City.
Anne Plossl Stevens '87, '92S (MBA) (see '87 undergraduate).
Frank Lallos '92, '93S (MBA) (see '92 undergraduate). . . . Michael Lynch '85, '89 (Mas), '93 (PhD) (see '85 undergraduate). . . . Alan Marchant S (MBA) is operations manager in marketing and program development at Eastman Kodak Company's Commercial & Government Systems (C&GS) division. Marchant is responsible for planning, analysis, and special marketing support for C&GS.
Don Drennon-Gala '88W (MS), '94W (PhD) has accepted a reappointment with the Federal Bureau of Prisons as a unit case manager at a federal prison camp. His primary responsibilities include program development, treatment services, and interagency coordination of programs.
J. Kevin Best (MS) married Tami Brookman on August 8 in Silver Creek, N.Y. The couple honeymooned at Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, Mass. . . . Darcy Hunter S (MBA) married Michael Gordon on August 8 at Mountain Top, Tarentum, Pa. The couple lives in Pittsburgh. . . . Sarah Nazarian W (MS) married Robert O'Connor on September 19 in Rochester.
Teresa Simmons S (MBA) married John Shorkey on August 9, 1997, at St. Joseph's Church in Penfield, N.Y. . . . James Vordonis '94, '96 (MS) (see '94 undergraduate).
Eileen Korenic (PhD) received a Glenn H. Brown Prize from the International Liquid Crystal Society for her doctoral thesis on optics research completed last year at the University. The award is given to honor the authors of the best four theses on liquid crystals in the world since 1994. . . . Karen Porter '88 (MA), '97 (PhD) joined the tenure-track faculty at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Wash. She is assistant professor of comparative sociology. . . . Sean Rugless S (MBA) married Katrina Watson on August 22 in Rochester. The couple honeymooned in the Bahamas. . . . Atanas Serbezov '95 (MS), '97 (PhD) is a professor of chemical engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Ind.
Kevin Rhatigan '94, '98S (MBA) (see '94 undergraduate).
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