A Report on the Events of the Year
The Sesquicentennial gives us special reason to reflect on what the University has accomplished since its founding 150 years ago.
Our latest accomplishments--those of the 1999-2000 year--provide a fitting addition to that impressive record.
As in past generations, the individuals--teachers, researchers, performers, and clinicians--who make our University great continue to be leaders in making the future brighter for all of us. Rochester is a place where imaginative, ground-breaking work is the standard.
I hope you share my pride in our University as you review this sample of highlights from the past year.
Thomas H. Jackson
Rochester: 150 Years and Counting
Student Honors
Student-to-Student Teaching Program Wins National Recognition
Introducing the Sproull Dean
First Riker Prize for Political Science Awarded
The Engineering of a New Department
Goldilocks and the Bowl of Tofu
Schlegel Hall Gets New Wing
Named Chairs
Anthony Center Sets New Sights
Renovated Gym Sets Hearts Racing
Monumental Parrish Exhibition Smashes MAG Records
Rochester Scholars: The Next Generation
Warner School Partnership Emphasizes Inclusion
Simon Logs on with E-Commerce Program
New Library for Contemporary Writing Opens
Graduate Student Awards
Physics Standout
University Wins Patent for Top-Selling Drugs
Faculty Honors
Applications Top 10,000 for First Time
Using Your Head: Researchers Demonstrate Power of Brain Waves
Partnership Focuses on Vision Excellence
Now Showing: Photo Archive at Sibley Library
Poets Gather in DC to Read, Reflect
Music Teachers Share Insights at First Texaco-Eastman Institute
Study Shows Visits by Nurses Help Young Families Adjust, Thrive
First Editions
Science: Not Just Elementary, It's Pre-School
Nursing School Adopts New Strategy
'Blue Noise' Is Music to Hewlett-Packard
Goergen Awards
Eastman Underscores Chamber Music's Importance
Issues of Death and Dying Added to Medical Student Curriculum
Eastman Medal Inaugurated at Commencement 2000
International Theatre Program Stages Epic Production of Iliad
Scientists' Work Named Best of Year by Optical Society
Worth Noting
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