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Strategic Guidelines & Guiding Principles


The following strategic guidelines have been put forth via interviews and workshops conducted in fall and winter of 2013 through the established student systems steering committee and other stakeholders.  This serves as the overarching statement of university needs and guidelines for the program.

The University of Rochester envisions reliable, high quality student information systems and processes that will:

  • Be flexible and extendable, accommodating current priorities and requirements, and have the ability to easily evolve with changing and as yet unforeseen academic and administrative realities such as new forms of assessment and outcome tracking
  • Provide robust data capture and reporting capabilities, and verified, complete data to allow the University and our schools to better understand and support progress toward strategic goals, and the progress of our students toward their academic goals.
  • Provide a single integrated source for core student data and services, and easier, real-time, integration with ancillary and third-party systems
  • Create a personalized system that provides users with the information and services they need, when and where they need it
  • Result in configurable, reliable and automated processes for students, faculty and staff to achieve better outcomes with less effort

Guiding Principles

  • We will adopt common business practices wherever possible to support a consistent experience.
  • We will differ only where absolutely required
  • We will structure data to improve our collective reporting and analytic capabilities
  • We will automate activity and processes to enable staff to improve service for all stakeholders
  • We value integrated systems and processes over disparate systems and processes
  • We will adapt business and academic practices as necessary to implement an effective solution