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Thomas C. Wilmot, Sr.                           Judy Wilmot Linehan

        The Wilmot Family

        For more than 35 years, the Wilmot family has been      Among their generous contributions is establishing
        dedicated to supporting cancer research and care for the   the Wilmot Distinguished Professorship in Cancer
        Rochester community. Their generosity is unmatched      Genomics, a relatively new discipline that is
        by any single donor in the Institute’s history. What    transforming the study of cancer. Large-scale genomic

        started with the vision of James P. Wilmot—establishing   analyses are guiding cancer diagnosis and treatment,
        a foundation to fund the Wilmot Fellowship Program      focusing on a person’s genetic makeup as well as the
        to advance cancer research—has blossomed into           genomics of their specific cancer. The Wilmots’ support
        extraordinary leadership, advocacy, and generosity      will be monumental for the cancer genomics program,

        that have helped transform the Wilmot Cancer Institute   helping us understand the changes that occur in cancer
        into the region’s leading provider of cancer care and   cells and develop new therapies to advance through
        promising therapies.                                    clinical trials, in order to provide precision cancer care
                                                                for patients.
        There have been more than 100 Wilmot Fellows making
        a global impact, as the young physicians and scientists   The Wilmot Distinguished Professorship in Cancer
        have gone on to dedicate their lives to cancer research   Genomics will serve as a powerful recruitment and

        and better treatments for patients at institutions around   retention tool for the Wilmot Cancer Institute; attracting
        the world. Many have remained here in Rochester at the   a new faculty member of established distinction in
        Wilmot Cancer Institute to provide the foundation for   cancer research and bioinformatics specialties, and
        excellent cancer care for patients.                     making the Wilmot name synonymous not only with

                                                                regional excellence, but also with national—and likely
        Tom, Judy, and the late Bill—and multiple generations of
                                                                international—excellence as well.
        the family—carry on their father’s legacy of expanding

        the frontiers of cancer research and treatment. They have  With this new gift, the Wilmot family continues to help
        lost not only their father, but mother, Loretta, brother,   transform cancer care and research in Rochester and
        Jim, and other family members, including 23-month-old   around the world and bring hope to future generations
        Crosby, to cancer.                                      of patients.
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