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Help Us Move Cancer Research Forward

     Every gift we receive makes a difference and impacts our ability to attract and retain world-renowned
     researchers and faculty, develop new cancer therapies, preventions, and cures, and ensure excellence in treating
     and caring for our patients. The following is a sampling of how you can help.


     Professorships honor acclaimed leaders who perform         New ideas need exploration and nurturing before they can
     groundbreaking research, mentor PhD candidates and junior   be developed into successful application for the NIH, large
     faculty, and attract talented medical students and residents.   foundations or other traditional avenues of support. Gifts
     They are among the most coveted and defining rewards that   for seed funding are “risk capital” for a promising researcher
     a faculty member can receive, recognizing and fostering    who has the potential to make groundbreaking discoveries
     excellence. They also serve as a powerful recruitment tool   that will impact people here and around the world. Funds
     for the Wilmot Cancer Institute, drawing new faculty and   invested today in innovative research help provide state-of-
     researchers of established distinction from around the world.   the-art cancer care for patients tomorrow. They can also be
     Donors who establish professorships create a legacy that links   leveraged many times over, bringing external funding, jobs,

     them to quality medical education, research, and patient care   and economic growth to the Rochester community.
     in perpetuity. Your generosity allows us to advance medical
     science and do more for human health in the future than we   GEORGE EASTMAN CIRCLE
     have been able to do in the past.                          The George Eastman Circle recognizes those who pledge

                                                                annual gifts of at least $1,500 a year for five years, or more,
                                                                to the Wilmot Cancer Institute. As a member, you will not
     With your support, we can move forward with strategic      only honor the legacy of one of our greatest benefactors and
     investments in multidisciplinary cancer research programs,   establish a new tradition to inspire others, but you will also
     grow our regional and national leadership in clinical trials,   provide the flexible programmatic support that allows us to
     and increase patients’ access to promising therapies.      take advantage of new opportunities in cancer research and
     Your investment will directly impact the lives of patients   care.
     locally and globally, whether your interest is supporting
     the innovative research of our scientists, fellows, laboratory
     technicians, and graduate students, the technology that speeds

     the path to new therapies, or our team of caregivers who
     deliver state-of-the-art, personalized care.

    For more information about how your gift can make an

    impact, please contact the Wilmot Advancement team at:
    (585) 276-4717 or visit:
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