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Society & Culture

American Studies lecture explores religious doubt and modernity

Claude Bragdon posterTIME, DATE, PLACE: 5 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 13, Gamble Room, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester’s River Campus.

WHAT:  Christopher White, associate professor of religion at Vassar College, will give the talk, “Doorways to Invisible Dimensions: Claude Bragdon’s Other-Worldly Art, the ‘Fourth Dimension’ and Modern Forms of Enchantment.”

ABOUT: The lecture explores how scientific modernity sometimes fostered unexpected forms of religious belief and enchantment.  White focuses on the life of the New York architect, artist, and writer Claude Bragdon to show how Bragdon used art and design to recover an imaginative sense for the supernatural and promote his new, enchanted views to wide audiences.

ADMISSION:  The talk is free and open to the public.

SPONSOR: The American Studies Program.