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The Arts
June 6, 2014 | 09:16 pm

Noted music educator, researcher dies

Known internationally for his research in fetal music response and arts education curriculum development, Donald J. Shetler enjoyed a career that included teaching in public schools and at the university level, musical performance, academic study and writing, and consulting.

topics: announcements, Donald Shetler, Eastman School of Music, obituaries,
University News
October 31, 2013 | 09:52 pm

Haunting at Rush Rhees Library: A Ghost Story

Pete Nicosia’s ghost haunts Rush Rhees Library. The legend dates back to the building’s construction in the late 1920s.

topics: ghost, Halloween, haunting, Peter Nicosia, Rush Rhees,
University News
August 2, 2013 | 05:45 pm

Liders Wins National Research Admin Honor

Gunta Liders will be presented with the Award for Outstanding Achievement this Monday morning at NCURA’s 55th annual meeting, being held in Washington, DC.

topics: grant, Gunta Liders, ORPA,
University News
July 30, 2013 | 04:01 pm

EVENT: Moms Ready to Build Healthy Children

Building Healthy Children is an innovative community collaboration addressing the needs of low-income, high-risk young mothers and their children.

topics: Building Healthy Children, mothers, Mt. Hope Family Center, parenting,
University News
July 15, 2013 | 04:08 pm

Mt. Hope Family Center Showcased

Deborah Rosen, director, child and family services of Monroe County, will join Maggie Brooks on the tour of the research institute. Monroe County is a major funder of outreach services provided by Center.

Campus Life
July 12, 2013 | 03:48 pm

High School Girls Get Hands-On Science Experience

Summer is a time for kids to take part in fun, stimulating activities. And 17 high school girls from the Rochester area are doing just that, learning about motion, electricity, and optics.

topics: announcements, optics, Pre College Experience in Physics,
Science & Technology
January 17, 2013 | 05:33 pm

Chemistry Professor Recognized

The New York Section of the American Chemical Society has named Eisenberg the winner of its 2013 William H. Nichols Medal Award.

topics: awards, Department of Chemistry, Richard Eisenberg,