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Susan Hagen is press officer for social sciences, and covers psychology, brain and cognitive sciences, economics, history, political science, linguistics, anthropology, and River Campus Libraries.


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Society & Culture
April 1, 2014 | 06:37 pm

Policy experts debate the future of finance

The Politics and Markets Project, a new initiative aimed at fostering discussion among college students about key issues of the day, presents “Wall Street and Your World.”

topics: David Primo, economy, events, Politics and Markets Project,
Society & Culture
March 27, 2014 | 12:47 pm

Experts to discuss crisis in Ukraine

Four faculty experts will discuss on Thursday, April 3, the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The panel will touch on a variety of issues including Russian President Vladimir Putin’s objectives and speculation about his next moves. The panel also will explore political constraints, such as Europe’s dependency on Russian oil and reliance on exports to Russia.
photo by Flickr user nessa_flame

topics: events, global engagement, Russia, Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies,
Society & Culture
March 24, 2014 | 09:01 pm

Poli-sci fellowship endowed

Douglas and Constance Beck have committed more than $1 million to establish a fellowship for doctoral students in political science and related fields.

topics: announcements, Department of Political Science, Douglas and Constance Beck, fellowships, giving, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
March 19, 2014 | 07:31 pm

Canonization of Pope John Paul II celebrated

The canonization of John Paul II on April 27, 2014, will be celebrated through a blend of music and readings of John Paul’s poetry and writings.

topics: Arthur Satz Department of Music, Catholic Newman Community, events, Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies,
University News
March 12, 2014 | 05:55 pm

Historian to be first Dexter Perkins Professor

Joan Shelley Rubin is a professor of American cultural history. The endowed position honors the late Dexter Perkins, a prominent American diplomatic historian.

topics: announcements, Department of History, Dexter Perkins Professorship in History, Joan Shelley Rubin, professorships,
Society & Culture
February 28, 2014 | 05:05 pm

Women, minority judicial nominees receive lower ratings

A new study suggests that the American Bar Association ‘s sometimes-controversial ratings systematically award lower ratings to minorities and women than to white or male candidates.

topics: Department of Political Science, discrimination, gender, government, Maya Sen, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
February 19, 2014 | 06:18 pm

Lecture examines church’s role during the holocaust

Anthony Sciolino, former Monroe County Family Court judge, will speak to why the Catholic Church, and Christianity as a whole, failed to stop the Holocaust. The talk is sponsored by the Skalny Center.

topics: Anthony Sciolino, church, Holocaust,
Society & Culture
February 7, 2014 | 10:13 pm

Sorry, cities: No strength in numbers

Urban legislators have long lamented that they do not get their fair share of bills passed in state governments, often blaming rural and suburban interests for blocking their efforts. Now a new study confirms one of those suspicions but surprisingly refutes the other.

topics: Department of Political Science, economy, Gerald Gamm, politics, research finding,
Society & Culture
November 21, 2013 | 10:13 pm

The Politics of AIDS

This Neilly Series lecture focusses on give the politics and ethics associated with HIV and AIDS. It will be accompanied by a slide show of AIDS posters from the University’s collection.

topics: AIDS, Gerald Oppenheimer, HIV, Neilly Series,