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Campus Life

Following in his brother’s footsteps—and making his own mark

Bobby Gerami '19 has taken advantage of many opportunities at Rochester, getting involved with the After Hours a cappella group; club basketball; and the Students' Association, where he served as treasurer. (University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

Making Their Mark is a Newscenter series of profiles celebrating members of Rochester’s graduating class of 2019.

Three questions

Favorite class? Mobile App Development, taught by Robert St. Jacques. “That was the first class where I was able to apply different areas of my studies into a final product. The professor taught very important life skills in how to tackle challenging problems and helped me find something I’m truly passionate about.” Favorite tradition? Dandelion Day. “I have never seen happier people in my life.” Favorite spot on campus? “The basement of Rush Rhees. Although it’s always a little too cold and a completely empty study space, I spent a majority of my college career down there, so I guess that means I really like it.”
When Bobby Gerami ’19 was a high school junior, he flew from Los Angeles to Rochester to visit his brother, Kevin Gerami ’17. It was an eye-opening experience. “I had toured schools around me like UCLA and USC but they were a lot bigger than I wanted,” the native of Manhattan Beach, California, says, “Rochester was the perfect size, and everyone was so friendly. I was intrigued.” When Gerami returned the following summer to move his brother in, he took an official campus tour. A year after that, he came back as a first-year student. “The cluster program really enticed me,” he says. “Many colleges make you do a lot of general requirements your first two years, but here you can start your degree as soon as you want.” Gerami will graduate with degrees in computer science and economics and has a job waiting in Seattle as a software engineering analyst at global investment firm Blackrock. He’ll be reunited with his brother, who works for Amazon in Seattle as a software development engineer. He’ll also depart with a suitcase full of memories and experiences—as a member of the After Hours a cappella group and the club basketball team; a teaching assistant in computer science; a student representative on the presidential search committee; a summer intern at BlackRock in Wilmington, Delaware; and Students’ Association treasurer his senior year. He also was Rocky, the University mascot, for one memorable three-hour shift. “I thought it would be fun, so I tried out and I was Rocky for a men’s varsity basketball game,” he says. “It was so hot, and I was sweating in the costume. I kept drinking water and having to go outside to cool off.” Afterward, he was told his services were no longer required. “I got fired from a volunteer job,” he says, laughing. “But it was worth the experience.” The experiences—and the people—are what he will remember most about his time at Rochester. “I’ve had a wonderful four years here,” he says. “From the students to the administrators, everyone is wonderful. It’s a place unlike any I’ve been to before.”