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Diversity Engagement Survey report now available

In February 2016, the first ever University-wide Diversity Engagement Survey (DES) was administered to all University faculty and staff, as well as students in the School of Medicine and Dentistry, School of Nursing, Simon Business School, and Warner School of Education. The overall survey participation rate was 48 percent, with 12,080 University faculty, staff, trainees, and students providing input on how valued and included they feel working and studying at the University, and how they perceive the state of diversity here.

The DES results have been analyzed and the full report (PDF) is now available.

The survey’s data is being utilized as a baseline to inform the work of the Presidential Diversity Council (PDC), which was established by President Seligman in November 2016 to fully engage University senior leadership in advancing the recommendations from the Commission on Race & Diversity’s Final Report.  The PDC reviewed the DES findings at a January 24 meeting and found that they are consistent with recommendations from the Commission on Race & Diversity, most notably that leadership engagement in the management of diversity is critical to making the University more welcoming and inclusive.  As part of this engagement, the PDC and the Presidential Diversity Council Implementation Committee will participate in unconscious bias training sessions on February 28.

There will be additional analysis of the DES at the school and unit levels.

The results of the diversity survey completed by undergraduate students are forthcoming and will be similarly announced.

For more information about diversity at the University diversity, visit