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Rochester to compete for Integrated Photonics Manufacturing Institute

On Oct. 3, Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter announced that the Obama administration has made a significant federal commitment to the nation’s photonics industry through a competition that may boost the Rochester-area economy and create jobs.

The Department of Defense is launching the competition to award more than $100 million in federal investment, matched by $100 million or more in private investment, to a winning consortia to build a new Institute for Manufacturing Innovation (IMI) focused on integrated photonics.  This Institute will focus on developing an end-to-end photonics ‘ecosystem’ in the U.S., including domestic foundry access, integrated design tools, automated packaging, assembly and test, and workforce development.

Members of the New York congressional delegation, led by Slaughter and Sen. Chuck Schumer, (D-NY) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) have been lobbying for a photonics innovation hub headquartered in the Rochester area.

As a recipient of three out of President Obama’s four signature advanced manufacturing programs, the Rochester region will help lead a national consortium to compete for this $200 million institute.

Rob Clark, senior vice president for research and dean of the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, said: “I want to thank President Obama for his leadership in revitalizing our manufacturing sector and recognize Congresswoman Slaughter for championing an effort to create an Institute for Manufacturing Innovation focused on photonics. As home to the oldest and largest hubs for photonics manufacturing in the U.S., this region is uniquely positioned to lead a winning consortium that will advance technologies important to national security and make manufacturers more globally competitive. From our Institute of Optics to our Laboratory for Laser Energetics, the University of Rochester is a world leader in advancing the optics and photonics industry and fueling a highly skilled workforce in these fields. With today’s announcement, our photonics industry is poised for innovation and growth.”

To read Congresswoman Slaughter’s announcement, visit:

To read the White House announcement, “President Obama Announces New Manufacturing Innovation Institute Competition,” visit: