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Although women have come a long way in recent decades, economic inequalities between men and women persist. While this year marks the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in New York State, American women, on average, earn 20 percent less than men working the same job.

As a part of Equal Pay Day on Tuesday, April 4, the Susan B. Anthony Center will host its annual pay day panel discussion from 5:30-7 pm in Morey Hall 321.

“Equal Pay Day marks the day that the average woman has to work until she earns what a male counterpart would have earned in 2016 for comparable work. However, women of color have to work longer, demonstrating the intersectionality of these issues,” says Catherine Cerulli, director of the Susan B. Anthony Center. “On Equal Pay Day, University of Rochester professors and community professionals will provide insight into the problem and what we can do about it.”

The panelists will discuss how the pay gap continues to affect gender and labor dynamics, and address how members of the University community can work to combat inequity.

Speakers include women activists from the University and the Rochester area. Keynote speaker Lauren Deutsch, executive director of the Healthy Baby Network, will address the relationship between pay, poverty, pregnancy, and education. Panel members are University psychology professor Marie-Joelle Estrada, the University’s director of equal opportunity compliance and Title IX coordinator Morgan Levy, and Elizabeth Sciavolino, a member of the Coalition for Pay Equity (COPE).

The event is co-sponsored by COPE, the Susan B. Anthony Museum and House, the Greater Rochester Association for Women Attorneys, the American Association of University Women, the Rochester National Organization for Women, Simon Women in Business, Women’s Rugby, College Feminists, Sigma Nu, Alpha Delta Phi, and Theta Chi.

Entry is free, and light refreshments will be served.