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Statement on FY16 Omnibus & Tax Extender Package

On December 16, Congress released a $1.15 trillion FY 2016 omnibus spending bill and a $600 billion tax extenders package that it will be voting on in the coming days. House and Senate passage are expected and President Obama is also expected to sign the bills into law.

Congress approved and President Obama signed into law another Continuing Resolution (CR) on December 16 that will extend government funding through December 22 and give Congress enough time to complete action on both bills. The bills include a number of important investments and provisions for higher education and for research universities, in particular.

In response, University President and CEO Joel Seligman issued the following statement:

“On behalf of the University of Rochester, I want to express my deep gratitude and support to the members of our Congressional delegation for the fiscal year 2016 omnibus appropriations and tax extender bills that were released earlier today. The bills include significant investments for higher education and research, including critical support for our Laboratory for Laser Energetics, the National Institutes of Health, and important provisions that strengthen access and affordability for our students and their families. I want to particularly thank Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, and Representatives Slaughter, Reed and Collins for their efforts.”