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Posts Tagged city schools

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Science & Technology
January 8, 2018 | 08:43 am

For city kids with asthma, telemedicine and in-school care cut ER visits in half

A new Medical Center study shows that children with asthma in the Rochester City School District who received telemedicine appointments and in-school care cut their ER visits in half.

topics: asthma, city schools, community, Division of General Pediatrics, featured-post-side, Jill Halterman, Medical Center, research finding,
University News
July 18, 2014 | 03:10 pm

Teen Health and Success Conference focuses on self-esteem, professional networking

More than 80 Rochester high school students will attend the two-day Teen Health and Success Conference on River Campus to focus on developing strategies for successful employment and crafting a statement about career aspirations and future goals.

topics: city schools, community, Rochester City School District, Teen Health and Success Partnership, teenagers,