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University News
February 28, 2018 | 10:38 am

World rankings highlight University’s global place

The 2018 Times Higher Education World University Rankings list the University of Rochester at number 51 among U.S. universities—public or private—and number 153 among more than 1,100 researcher universities worldwide.

topics: college rankings, global,
University News
September 9, 2014 | 08:54 pm

New York Times lists University of Rochester as among most economically diverse

The University of Rochester is listed 28th on the New York Times’ “The Most Economically Diverse Top Colleges” list. Editors then created the College Access Index, a methodology “based on the share of freshmen in recent years who came from low-income families (measured by the share receiving a Pell grant) and on the net price of attendance for low- and middle-income families.”

topics: announcements, college rankings, diversity,
Campus Life
August 14, 2014 | 07:21 pm

University ranked among top ten ‘Best Colleges for Food’

The University’s dining services has been ranked 6th on the 2014 list of 75 Best Colleges for Food by the online publication The Daily Meal. In addition to the quality of the food, the rankings were determined by the “food scene of the surrounding area,” as well as nutrition, sustainability, accessibility, events, uniqueness, and “the overall quality of the dining experience.”

topics: announcements, college rankings, Dining Services, featured-post,
Campus Life
March 3, 2014 | 06:33 pm

Student network praised as model of community leadership

Noted by Washington Monthly and the National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs, the Rochester Center for Community Leadership (RCCL) encourages involvement in service, political activities, and social and cultural life in and around Rochester.

topics: announcements, college rankings, Rochester Center for Community Leadership,