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Posts Tagged Eastman School of Music

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Campus Life
August 20, 2014 | 02:30 pm

University of Rochester welcomes Class of 2018

More than 1,300 freshmen from more than 75 countries will move in to the River Campus and Eastman School of Music beginning Monday, Aug. 25. Move-in Day is an event featuring a cappella singing groups, the University Pep Band, and other student groups entertaining and welcoming the new class to their new home in Rochester.

topics: Class of 2018, Eastman School of Music, events, Move-In Day, River Campus,
The Arts
July 28, 2014 | 06:46 pm

First-of-its-kind study connects music, Saint Anne

You will find no references to St. Anne in the New Testament. And yet, from the early 15th to early 16th centuries, the apocryphal mother of the Virgin Mary was a subject of great veneration by women of all social ranks, especially among royalty. In his new book, Michael Alan Anderson, associate professor of musicology at the Eastman School, examines how this devotion was expressed in the music of this time period.

topics: book authors, Eastman School of Music, Michael Alan Anderson, Renaissance, research finding,
In Photos
July 16, 2014 | 04:17 pm

Learning to lead

Neil Varon, professor of conducting and ensembles at the Eastman School, directs Luca Antonucci of Watertown, MA on the Kodak Hall stage during the Summer Conducting Institute. During the intensive five-day program, each young conductor has the opportunity to rehearse with Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra musicians,

topics: Eastman School of Music, Neil Varon,
The Arts
June 6, 2014 | 09:16 pm

Noted music educator, researcher dies

Known internationally for his research in fetal music response and arts education curriculum development, Donald J. Shetler enjoyed a career that included teaching in public schools and at the university level, musical performance, academic study and writing, and consulting.

topics: announcements, Donald Shetler, Eastman School of Music, obituaries,
In Photos
May 18, 2014 | 12:11 pm

Friendly neighborhood Spider-Dean

Jamal Rossi, dean of the Eastman School of Music, reminded graduates that “with great power comes great responsibility … You not only have the power to transform lives, you have the responsibility. You have to make a difference in the community and in the people in those communities. Use your music to enrich your communities.” He concluded his address by saying, “There’s a little Spider-Man in all of us,” referencing the filming of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in front of Kodak Hall last summer.

topics: Eastman School of Music, Jamal Rossi,
University News
May 13, 2014 | 06:33 pm

Jamal Rossi named the Joan and Martin Messinger Dean of the Eastman School of Music

Jamal Rossi came to Eastman in 2005 as senior associate dean. He served as executive associate dean at Eastman from 2007 until September 2013, when he was appointed dean of the school following the illness and resignation at that time of former Messinger Dean Douglas Lowry.

topics: board of trustees, Eastman School of Music, Jamal Rossi, Joan and Martin Messinger Dean,
In Photos
March 20, 2014 | 02:31 pm

Learning from the master

Legendary flute player Sir James Galway takes a picture of senior flute major Jennifer Zhou during a master class in at the Eastman School of Music.

topics: Eastman School of Music,
Science & Technology
March 6, 2014 | 04:54 pm

CompSci students help singers voice their vowels

Voice students who want to perfect their vowel vocalizations can get help from a new simple, free application, developed by a group of computer science students, called “Vowel Shapes.”

topics: announcements, Cynthia Ryan, Department of Computer Science, Eastman School of Music, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, sound,
The Arts
February 17, 2014 | 05:03 pm

Breaking Winds joins Eastman concert

The bassoon ensemble, which started at the Eastman School of Music, will perform with the Eastman Wind Ensemble on Feb. 19.

topics: concert, Eastman School of Music, wind ensemble,
University News
May 19, 2013 | 08:36 pm

Lowry Reappointed Dean of Eastman School

Since 2008, he has been implementing an ambitious strategic plan, “Empowering the Eastman Advantage,” which celebrates the rich traditional legacy of the school and its role as a national leader.

topics: dean, Eastman School of Music,