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Posts Tagged Health Sciences Center for Computational Innovation

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Science & Technology
June 23, 2014 | 09:00 pm

University of Rochester previews new data visualization lab

The new VISTA Collaboratory, located in the Carlson Science and Engineering Library, completes a high performance supercomputing system on a massive scale and is one of only a handful of similar labs in the U.S. The display consists of an array of 24 monitors, is 20 feet wide and 8 feet tall, and has a resolution approaching that of IMAX theaters.

topics: announcements, data science, Health Sciences Center for Computational Innovation, IBM, New York State, VISTA Collaboratory,
Science & Technology
August 3, 2012 | 02:54 pm

University Inaugurates New Era of Health Care Research

The new IBM Blue Gene/Q supercomputer unveiled last week at the University’s Health Sciences Center for Computational Innovation (HSCCI) is one of the nation’s five most powerful university-based supercomputing sites.

topics: announcements, data science, Health Sciences Center for Computational Innovation,