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Posts Tagged International Baccalaureate World Student Conference

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University News
August 8, 2017 | 01:34 pm

University hosts International Baccalaureate World Student Conference

More than 200 high school students from around the globe visited campus for the sixth annual conference, which this year focused on the theme “Defining and Defying Boundaries.”

topics: events, high school students, International Baccalaureate World Student Conference, John Harris,
University News
July 28, 2015 | 03:04 pm

University to host 200 students from 20 nations at International Baccalaureate World Student Conference

The IBWSC brings the leaders of tomorrow together to focus on critical thinking skills. This year’s theme will be reaching solutions through play, and keynote speakers include game designer and author Jane McGonigal and Bob Mankoff, cartoon editor for The New Yorker magazine.

topics: events, global engagement, International Baccalaureate World Student Conference,