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Posts Tagged Jonathan Burdick

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Campus Life
July 27, 2017 | 04:28 pm

Summer program gives African students bridge to college

More than 30 students from sub-Saharan Africa are River Campus this summer as part of the Early Connection Africa program, preparing for college life and taking classes in math, economics, writing, and politics.

topics: African Leadership Academy, Early Connection Africa, featured-post-side, global engagement, Jonathan Burdick, Office of Minority Student Affairs,
Campus Life
July 1, 2016 | 09:29 am

University offers rewarding path to financial aid

Rochester was one of ten “Innovation Partners” in a new micro-scholarship platform called, which allows high school students to bank money toward tuition costs when then record good grades, start a club, or volunteer in their community.

topics: Administration and Finance, announcements, college tuition, Jonathan Burdick,
University News
August 21, 2014 | 06:59 pm

Rochester top college destination for African leadership students

The University ranks as the number one destination for graduates of the African Leadership Academy (ALA), a selective college preparatory program in South Africa. Last week the University hosted the academy’s 4th annual indaba, meaning “gathering” in Zulu – the largest conference in North America for students who have graduated from ALA.

topics: admissions, African Leadership Academy, events, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Jonathan Burdick, School of Arts and Sciences, South Africa,