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Posts Tagged Joseph Eberly

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Science & Technology
November 23, 2021 | 08:57 am

Joseph Eberly honored as a ‘true visionary’ in optics

Joseph Eberly, the Andrew Carnegie Professor of Physics and a professor of optics, is recognized for pioneering contributions to quantum optics theory.

topics: awards, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Joseph Eberly, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
September 6, 2018 | 11:57 am

Wave particle duality of light: Resolving quantum ‘weirdness’

For 90 years physicists have known that incompatibly opposite properties are inherent in all elementary particles. Now Rochester researchers say they’ve resolved this weird and inescapable wave-particle duality.

topics: Department of Physics and Astronomy, featured-post-side, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Joseph Eberly, Nick Vamivakas, quantum science, research finding, URnano, Xiaofeng Qian,
Science & Technology
July 21, 2015 | 02:27 pm

Drawing a line between quantum and classical: Bell’s Inequality fails test as boundary

The best guide to the boundary between our everyday world and the “spooky” features of the quantum world has been a theorem called Bell’s Inequality, but now a new paper shows that we understand the frontiers of that quantum world less well than scientists have thought.

topics: Department of Physics and Astronomy, John Howell, Joseph Eberly, quantum science, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,