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Science & Technology
September 7, 2014 | 01:05 pm

Targeting cells’ protein-making machinery may stop harmful bacteria

For the first time, the middle-steps in the process that creates the protein-making machinery of bacterial cells—called the ribosomes—has been isolated. A new study by biologist Gloria Culver suggests that blocking these pathways may help kill off drug-resistant bacteria.

topics: Department of Biology, drug treatments, Gloria Culver, research finding,
Science & Technology
September 4, 2014 | 03:12 pm

Researchers send electricity, light along same super-thin wire

A new combination of materials can efficiently guide electricity and light along the same tiny wire, a finding that could be a step towards building computer chips capable of transporting digital information at the speed of light.

topics: Institute of Optics, Nick Vamivakas, photonics, quantum science, research finding, URnano,
Science & Technology
August 28, 2014 | 03:14 pm

Doing more with less: New technique efficiently finds quantum wave functions

University researchers have introduced a new method, called compressive direct measurement, that allowed the team to reconstruct a quantum state at 90 percent fidelity using only a quarter of the measurements required by previous methods.

topics: Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, photonics, quantum science, research finding, Robert Boyd,
Science & Technology
August 25, 2014 | 11:00 pm

Duality principle is “safe and sound”: Researchers clear up apparent violation of quantum mechanics’ wave-particle duality

When scientists in Germany announced in 2012 an apparent violation of a fundamental law of quantum mechanics, The results were both “strange” and “incredible.” It took Robert Boyd and his colleagues nearly a year and a half to figure out what was going on.

topics: Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, quantum science, research finding, Robert Boyd,
Science & Technology
August 21, 2014 | 04:10 pm

Alternate mechanism of species formation picks up support, thanks to a South American ant

A newly-discovered species of ant supports a controversial theory of species formation. “Most new species come about in geographic isolation,” said Christian Rabeling, assistant professor of biology at the University of Rochester. “We now have evidence that speciation can take place within a single colony.”

topics: Christian Rabeling, Department of Biology, evolution, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
July 30, 2014 | 05:23 pm

Mapping the optimal route between two quantum states

As a quantum state collapses, it will follow a path known as a quantum trajectory. In a new paper featured this week on the cover of Nature, scientists have shown that it is possible to track these quantum trajectories and compare them to a theory, recently developed by University of Rochester physicists, for predicting the most likely path a system will take.

topics: Andrew Jordan, Department of Physics and Astronomy, quantum science, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
The Arts
July 28, 2014 | 06:46 pm

First-of-its-kind study connects music, Saint Anne

You will find no references to St. Anne in the New Testament. And yet, from the early 15th to early 16th centuries, the apocryphal mother of the Virgin Mary was a subject of great veneration by women of all social ranks, especially among royalty. In his new book, Michael Alan Anderson, associate professor of musicology at the Eastman School, examines how this devotion was expressed in the music of this time period.

topics: book authors, Eastman School of Music, Michael Alan Anderson, Renaissance, research finding,
Science & Technology
July 18, 2014 | 08:20 pm

Lake sturgeon making a comeback in the Genesee

Blood-sampling studies led by comparative medicine professor and chair Jeff Wyatt are showing promising signs for the fish, for the once-troubled embayment of the lower Genesee — and, potentially, for the local economy.

topics: community, Department of Comparative Medicine, environment, Jeff Wyatt, pollution, research finding, School of Medicine and Dentistry, sustainability,
Science & Technology
July 14, 2014 | 04:08 pm

Women feel threatened by ‘the lady in red’

In a new study, psychology graduate student Adam Pazda found that women believe that other women who wear red are more sexually promiscuous and were less likely to introduce their husband or boyfriend to a woman wearing red.

topics: Adam Pazda, colors, Department of Psychology, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,