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Posts Tagged Richard Thaler

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University News
October 5, 2020 | 10:18 am

Rochester’s Nobel laureates

With the announcement of his receipt of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Medicine, Harvey Alter ’56, ’60M (MD) is now the 13th Nobel laureate with ties to the University.

topics: Arthur Kornberg, awards, Harvey Alter, Henrick Dam, Masatoshi Koshiba, Nobel Prize, Richard Thaler, Robert Fogel, Steven Chu, Vincent du Vigneaud,
Society & Culture
February 14, 2018 | 04:11 pm

A conversation with Rochester’s latest Nobel Prize winner

Recognized by the Nobel committee for his contributions to behavioral economics—a field that he helped create—Thaler’s research bridges the gap between economics and psychology.

topics: Department of Economics, interdisciplinary, Nobel Prize, Richard Thaler, School of Arts and Sciences, Social Sciences,
University News
December 8, 2017 | 09:49 am

Rochester’s latest Nobel laureate to be honored

The 2017 Nobel laureates will receive their awards on Sunday, December 10, in Stockholm. Among them is Richard Thaler ’74 (PhD), a leading scholar on the intersection between human behavior and economic decision making, who will be awarded a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.

topics: awards, Department of Economics, Nobel Prize, Richard Thaler, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
October 9, 2017 | 02:09 pm

Rochester graduate Richard Thaler receives Nobel Prize

Richard Thaler, who earned his graduate degrees at the University of Rochester, has received the 2017 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to behavioral economics.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, Department of Economics, Nobel Prize, Richard Thaler, School of Arts and Sciences, Simon Business School, Social Sciences,